“Prenatal vitamins.” I smiled as I looked at the bottle.

“When are you going to tell Conner?”

“After work.”

“You do know that he won’t be able to keep it a secret. The rest of the family will know in seconds.”

“I know.”

“It’s a good thing the wedding is in a couple of weeks. Jenni will kill me if she has to alter my dress again.” I laughed.

“Oh.” Georgia scrunched her face. “You won’t be able to drink at your own wedding.”

“I already thought about that. It’s okay. Alcohol is overrated. At least I’ll have Jenni there as part of the non-alcohol club.”

“Hold on a second. I’ll be right back,” she said.

A few moments later, she walked back into my office with Emilia. “We’re all sisters, and we tell each other everything. It’s been a crazy morning at the practice of Dr. Georgia Scott-Kind.”

“What are you talking about?” Emilia and I both looked at Georgia.

“Two of my sisters both found out they're pregnant on the same day.” She smiled.

“Oh my, God!” Emilia and I both screamed as we hugged each other. “How far along are you?” I asked her.

“Seven weeks. You?”

“Five weeks.”

“Ah, we get to be pregnant together. This makes me so happy.”

“Me too.” I hugged her again. “When are you telling Sebastian?”

“Tonight. When are you telling Conner?”


“Okay. We both know the guys can’t keep anything to themselves, so we better prepare ourselves for a bonfire tonight.”

“Welcome to the non-alcohol club at my wedding.” I grinned.

“Oh shit.” A serious look crossed her face. “I forgot. Damn.”

“You two will be fine.” Georgia smiled. “I’ll drink your drinks for you.” She hooked her arms around us.

“Now we need to convince Sofia not to get married before we have these babies.” A smile crossed my lips.

* * *

After work, I ran to the grocery store and picked up a few things for dinner. I thought of a cute way to tell Conner I was pregnant. Since I really didn’t have time to cook baby back ribs, I called Sebastian and asked if I could pick some up from the restaurant on my way home. He said he’d have them ready and waiting for me when I arrived.

After picking up the ribs, I went home and started prepping dinner.

“Hello, beautiful.” Conner smiled as he walked through the front door and kissed my lips.

“Hey.” I smiled.

“You’re cooking?” His brow arched.