“My head hurts so bad,” I moaned as I closed my eyes.

* * *


I stared at her as my heart pounded out of my chest. She was disoriented, which was to be expected. I thanked God that Jackson was at the hospital today and prayed he wasn’t in the middle of surgery.

“How is she?” Jackson ran into the room.

“She’s very disoriented and complaining of a headache. Chelsea is getting some pain meds.”

“Good. At least she’s talking. Charlotte, I need you to open your eyes for me,” Jackson said.

Chelsea walked into the room and injected Charlotte’s pain medication.

“Charlotte, we gave you something for your headache. It’ll start to kick in soon. I need you to open your eyes.”

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at us.

“Welcome back.” Jackson smiled. “Can you tell me your first and last name?”

“Charlotte Roman,” she softly spoke.

“Do you know why you’re here?” Jackson asked.

“Car accident.”

“That’s right.” He smiled.

“Are you my doctor?” she sleepily spoke.

Jackson and I both looked at each other.

“Charlotte, do you know who I am?” I asked with panic.

She slowly shook her head.

I almost lost it as Jackson reached over and gripped my shoulder.

“Charlotte, do you know who I am?” Jackson asked.

“Doctor, I think.”

“That’s right. I am your doctor. My name is Dr. Jackson Kind, and I’m a neurosurgeon. I performed surgery on your brain when you were brought in. You had a bleed and significant swelling.”

“Who are you?” She looked at me, and tears filled my eyes.

“You need your rest, Charlotte. Conner, let’s go out in the hallway.”

I was literally shaking when Jackson gripped my shoulders.

“She’s confused right now. This isn’t uncommon. The important thing at this moment is she’s awake.”

“She doesn’t know who I am!” I spoke through gritted teeth.

“Give her some time. Her brain needs to rewire itself now that she’s awake.”

I got here as soon as I could.” Christian ran over to us. “What’s wrong?”