“He can be sorry all he wants, but it doesn’t change the fact that my fiancée is in a medically induced coma with a traumatic brain injury.”

“I’m sorry, Conner. Charlotte is a strong woman who survived something so horrific before, and I know she’ll survive this.”

“Thanks, Everly.”

* * *

Iwent to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee, and when I stepped back into Charlotte’s room, I saw Grayson and Gabriel standing at her bedside.

“There you are.” Grayson walked over and hugged me.

“We got here as soon we could.” Gabriel hugged me.

“You guys didn’t have to come. I know how busy you are.”

“You’re family, and family is there for each other,” Grayson said.

“We’re only here for a couple of days. We have to fly back on Sunday,” Gabriel spoke.

“I appreciate it.”

“How is she?” Grayson looked at her vitals.

“She’s healing. Jackson is in surgery right now but said when he’s finished, he’ll check the pressure in her brain, and maybe he’ll bring her out of the coma later.”

“You look tired,” Gabriel said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah.” I breathed out a laugh. “I am.”

“Hey, you two.” Christian entered the room and hugged our cousins. “When did you get here?”

“We landed two hours ago,” Grayson said.

Christian walked over to Charlotte, listened to her heart, and checked her vitals.

“She sounds good,” he said, placing his stethoscope around his neck. “Jackson just got out of surgery and wanted me to tell you that he’ll be up shortly.”

“I’m here,” Jackson said as he walked into the room. “Hey.” He smiled as he hugged Grayson and Gabriel. “It’s good to see you two. Welcome back to Los Angeles.”

“Thanks, Jackson. It’s good to be here again,” Grayson spoke.

“We just wished it were under better circumstances,” Gabriel said.

Jackson checked Charlotte’s vitals, examined her, and looked at me.

“It’s time. Let’s get Dave up here to bring her out.” A small smile framed his lips.

I was scared because I knew that once he brought her out of the coma, she wouldn’t wake up for a while, possibly days.

“You paged me, Jackson?” Dave, the anesthesiologist, walked into the room.

“It’s time to bring Dr. Roman back,” he said.

“Okay. Let’s do it.”

I carefully watched the monitor as Dave slowly reversed the medication.

“And she’s back,” he said. “Let’s switch the ventilator over and see how she breathes on her own. Conner, so that you know, she might not wake up for a couple of days.”