“Jenni. Shaun is going to invest in the company. She thought it would be perfect for the wedding favors. We’ll have our initials in the center and then a cute thank you message on the inside lid of the box.”
“I love it. See, babe. The universe is on our side. Just another thing to check off our list.” He smiled as he kissed my lips. “Now, back to the cinnamon in my coffee and your jealousy. You know I would never look at another woman, especially some twenty-something girl.”
“I’m not worried about you. It’s the fact that she knows we’re engaged to be married. She needs to learn that it’s not okay to flirt with another woman’s man. She has issues. Maybe I should have her come see me and get to the root of her obsession with you.”
“Who has an obsession with him?” Jackson walked in. “Wait, let me guess. You’re talking about Angela?” The corners of his mouth curved upward. “I noticed the way she bats her eyes at you. ‘Oh, Dr. Kind.’” He chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up, bro.”
“I have a patient waiting for me. I’ll see you later.” Charlotte kissed me before walking out.
“It’s probably due to those videos you keep posting on TikTok. I will admit that one of you, Ella, and Lily, was cute. Don’t you dare tell our other brothers I said that.” He pointed at me. “But I am concerned about the uptick of patients that are trying to get appointments with you. I’m not sure they really have issues and need to be seen.”
“Well, we can look at it this way. We’re still getting paid for the office visit.” I grinned.
* * *
“What time is Gwen coming?” Charlotte asked as she walked down the stairs.
“Five minutes.” I glanced at my watch.
“She’s bringing samples, right?” she asked.
“I think so.”
“Good. I’ve been craving cake all day.”
“Really? Haven’t you been eating chocolate all day?”
“What’s your point, Conner?” She cocked her head.
“Ah.” The corners of my mouth curved upward. “It’s almost that time of the month. That explains your psycho fits lately.”
“That’s right.” She pointed at me. “It’s funny how I never had those before meeting you. I guess you bring out the psycho in women.” A smirk crossed her lips.
“We’re going to discuss that little comment later.” I pointed at her as I heard the doorbell ring. “Gwen.” I smiled as I opened the door. “My favorite cake lady. Come in.”
“Hello, Dr. Kind. Dr. Roman.” She smiled.
“It’s Conner and Charlotte, Gwen,” I said as I took the box from her, and the three of us sat down at the table.
“Let me guess.” She smiled. “One of the layers must be key lime and coconut.”
“Definitely, Gwen. That is non-negotiable. Right, babe?” I glanced at Charlotte.
“Yes. My future husband can have his key lime and coconut.”
“Excellent. I’ve added a new flavor that I would like you to try.” Gwen smiled as she pulled a container out of the box. “This is an almond cake with a pineapple and coconut filling.” She handed us each a plastic fork.
Charlotte and I took a bite and looked at each other.
“This.” I took another bite. “This is amazing, Gwen.”
“Oh my gosh. It’s so good,” Charlotte spoke.
“My brothers need to taste this.” I pulled out my phone and sent a text message in our group chat.
“Get over here now. New cake flavor!”