Page 29 of Fair Catch


Cameron Simmons passes by and pats my shoulder. “Nice game today.”

“You too, man.” He made some unbelievable stops today, which saved a couple of touchdowns. He’s definitely a difference maker, and if it wasn’t for him, the score would’ve been a lot closer than our twenty point victory.

“Come on.” I motion toward the exit and take Kelsey’s hand in mine. “We’ll go over to the Westbury’s for a bit and then head to my house, unless you need to go home.”

“Maybe for some clothes. Otherwise, I’ll need to come back to my place in the morning to get ready for work.”

I glance at her as we walk out into the parking lot. “Right. What time do you have to be at work?”

“I’m usually there by nine. Our boss doesn’t care as long as we are there when we have meetings and our work gets done.”

“So, you could work from home?” I wink, hoping to convey how much I want to spend my day with her. Technically, I need to go in for “maintenance” on my body, but I could postpone that. I’d love nothing more than to wake up with her, eat breakfast, and see her in my house on a normal day.

Preferably while wearing my T-shirt.

We get to my truck, and I help her in. I never want her to figure out how to use the tire to hoist herself up because that’s my job. I’ll happily cup her ass and lift her into my truck until the cows come home. And being that we live in a city, there is never any fear of that happening.



My nerves are frayed. Maybe even shot at this point. What Alex failed to mention on our drive over to Peyton and Noah Westbury’s apartment is that Noah’s parents are in town. I suppose one would say, “no big deal,” but Noah (and Peyton) don’t have your every day, run-of-the-mill parents. They’re not like mine, who get up and go to work every morning and punch the proverbial time clock.

Like, Noah and Peyton’s are famous.

Like, uber famous.

Like, I’m going to pee my pants when and if Liam Page talks to me.

Like, holy shiiiiit, my heart is beating so fast I feel faint.

Alex parks and the valet helps me out of his truck. The stern look on Alex’s face sends a clear message and the young man whose job it is to help ducks his head and mutters an apology.

“That’s mean,” I tell Alex.

“It’s just—”

I cut him off with a shake of my head. “Go tell that guy you’re sorry. He has a job to do, and he doesn’t need meatheads like you bullying him.”

Alex’s mouth drops open and my eyebrow raises. “Feisty. I like it?” He kisses my forehead and then saunters over to the kid at the stand. Next thing I know, they’re posing for selfies and Alex is signing something.

He motions for me to follow him into the lobby. “Meathead, huh?”

I shrug. “I read it in the story I made an offer on.”

“Have you heard anything back?”

“It’s a lot of back and forth between me, the agent, Kit, and Jonathan. They want more money, which is understandable, but with that comes a lot of responsibility. On both sides.”

We approach a large, semi-round desk. Alex reaches over the counter and shakes the man’s hand. “Hey, Bernard. We’re heading up to the Westbury’s. This is Kelsey Sloane.”

This man doesn’t look like a Bernard. To me, that name says kind, caring, and the statue of a man behind the desk looks anything but. His penetrating gaze speaks volumes. He isn’t someone you mess with, and you definitely don’t mess with the tenants in the building.

“Ms. Sloane.” Bernard’s voice is a deep booming baritone of sound. I feel like I’m being scolded. I swallow hard and nod. “Look here.” He points to the camera sitting next to the monitor.

“Do I need to smile?”