Page 76 of Fair Catch

I want to tell Kelsey, but something like this has to be done in person. When I say those words to her, I want to see her expression when they sink in for her. I’m barely in my truck when Maggie and her friend come into the parking garage. I’m not even tempted to know the results and pull out of my spot just as they pass by. I can’t tell if either of them are happy or not. For all I know, she wants him to be her baby’s father, and I’m okay with it. What I’m not okay with is how she used me when she returned. Showing up at my house unexpectedly, like nothing has happened between us and acting like I didn’t have a girlfriend, was wrong on so many levels. She’s not the person I fell in love with years ago. This much is evident.

After paying my parking fee, I head to Cameron’s to pick him up before we go to Willamette Publishing to take Basha to the airport. They’ve gone on a couple of dates, and I can’t really tell if they’re into each other or not, but this is better than me having to hoist Basha into my truck. Clearly, I made the mistake of leaving Rizzo at home, as it would’ve made more sense to drive her today, but I hate being on the freeway with a small car like that. People drive like assholes until they see my truck. Then they’re not so cocky in their Mercedes.

As soon as Basha exits the building Cameron jumps out and grabs her suitcase and puts it in the back. He helps her into the front seat and then climbs into the back.

“Do you have your tickets?” I ask her. She’s on her way to San Diego for a conference and plans to stay an extra day to catch our game. Due to some weird weather pattern, it’s going to be in the eighties all week down there and she wants to take advantage. Honestly, I don’t blame her. I wish Coach took us down early.

Basha pats her bag. “I do, and everything’s set.”


“Did you find out?” she asks.

“Not mine,” I tell her as I eye Cameron through the rear-view mirror. Noah’s the only one I’ve told, but people have seen Maggie at the games, and of course, her pregnancy hit the news wire with the headline being we’re expecting. We’re not. She is.

“That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

“Fuck that,” I say. “It’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time.”

The three of us make idle chit chat, mostly about the things to do in San Diego. I haven’t been, other than for games, but according to Cameron I really need to visit. Basha says the beaches are amazing down there, and she’s definitely looking forward to the spa day she has booked.

When we get to the airport, Cameron jumps out to help Basha with her things. “I’m going to walk her in,” he says. “You should circle around.”

“Sure.” If I didn’t owe Basha my life, I’d tell Cameron to fuck off because circling around Portland airport isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. Still, I do as he asks because I’m a nice fucking guy and this will bring a smile to Basha’s face.

Instead of circling, I leave the area and park off to the side at the nearest cell phone lot. I text Cameron to let him know where I am and to just let me know when he’s ready to come get him. Airport romance—I’m sure that’s a book somewhere, and if not, maybe Kelsey needs to ask one of her authors to write it for her.

While I wait for Cameron, I look through the photos of Kelsey on my phone, only for Maggie to interrupt me.

Maggie Gardner

You were very rude in the office today.

I think about not responding but fuck that.

I don’t care. This whole thing has fucked with my life. You could’ve told me long before you showed up at my door that you were pregnant, so I could’ve been prepared. Instead, you waltzed back into my life like you never left knowing I had a girlfriend. You didn’t give a rat’s ass about her feelings so I don’t care about yours right now, Maggie.

Maggie Gardner

I’ve said I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.

Do you want me to talk to Kelsey? I will.

No, I don’t. You’ve made things bad enough for me where she’s concerned. Nothing you can say or do will change the damage done.

Maggie Gardner

If you change your mind

I won’t.

I’ve never said a mean thing to her in my life until recently. It’s like her head is stuck in the clouds. She only cares about herself. If I didn’t need to go back and pick Cameron up, I’d turn my phone off. Thankfully, Maggie stops texting, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before she hits me up for something else.

Finally, Cameron texts me and I circle back to pick him up. He gets into the truck and says, “I like Basha, but I’m not sure if it’ll work.”

“Ha, why’s that?”

“She’s not a football fan.”