Page 5 of Fair Catch

The collective groan echoes throughout the weight room. Most of the guys slap Noah on his shoulder. He’s normally our poster boy for anything charity related. Him or Julius Cunningham. Julius’s popularity rose after he and our local meteorologist became a hot ticket item in Portland, but Noah and Peyton are the “it” couple. Their parents are uber famous and people think if they hang with them, they’ll get to meet their dads.

“We’re going to draw to see who Kelsey’s tour guide is today. There are fifty-five pieces of paper in this box. One says winner. May the odds be in your favor.”

“That’s not the line, Myles,” someone from the back of the room yells.

“The fact that you watchedHunger Gamesscares me,” Myles shouts back.

One by one, we line up and die a little on the inside when the person in front of us declares they’re safe from being the tour guide. When it’s my turn, I take a deep breath. “Any words of wisdom?”

“Just draw the damn paper,” Coach seethes. There’s no doubt he’s tired of our antics already.

I dip my hand into the box, twirl my fingers around a bit, and grab a piece of paper. My eyes close as my hands lifts the paper out of the box. I’m afraid to look. I should never be the person who has to explain football to anyone, but as luck would have it,winner, is scrawled across the small torn scrap of paper between my fingertips.


Everyone behind me sighs heavily and then cheers loudly. I get a few pats on my back, some “atta boys,” and a couple of my gracious teammates thank me for taking one for the team. As if I had a choice. I didn’t volunteer. This forced labor is surely a violation of my contract. And if it’s not, I’m going to make sure I add the clause during renegotiations.

“Kelsey will watch the last half of practice, and then she’s all yours,” Myles says.

“Great, does that mean I can take her into the locker room after practice and show her what football playersreallylook like?” I waggle my eyebrows at him, and his face turns to stone.

“Don’t be . . .” Myles sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose, and then shakes his head. I love goading him. He’s a good cat for putting up with us lugs. “Alex—”

“Best behavior or it’s the snake for three hours,” Coach says. That gets me to change my attitude real quick.

“Kelsey, got it.”

Coach and Myles leave with their heads bent together, likely talking about how I’m going to fuck this up because Maggie broke my heart. Truth is, she did. I thought we were in it for the long haul. I had asked the guys if I should ask Maggie to marry me and I had started looking at rings. It goes to show that despite being in love or saying you are, you’re not always on the same page as your partner. Maggie taking the job in England stung. It still does. But I don’t fault her for following her career path. It’s exactly what I’ve done.

After more congratulatory slaps on my back, we head to lunch, and then will eventually make our way outside. Today’s our slow day, or recovery day as I like to call it. We’re going to walk through our plays after Peyton tells us we all suck, and then we’ll hit a little bit. I could forgo the hitting part of practice. It’s literally my least favorite thing in the world, which means I need to get faster at beating the defense down the field.

We all know the minute Kelsey is at the practice field. One of the guys whistles while another one mutters under his breath that he wished he could be her tour guide for the day. I almost hand over the reigns until I see her. She looks nervous, timid, and I think to myself it’s probably a good thing she ended up with me because I’m as harmless as they come. Not that any of my teammates would do anything stupid, but sometimes their filter lacks when there’s a lady around.

Coach calls an end to practice and yells for me to come see him. I take off my helmet and run to him, much like I did in high school or college. The entire moment feels like I’m trying to impress the cute girl on the sideline. Hell, maybe I am.

“Coach,” I say as I approach.

“Myles found out that Kelsey is new in town. She’s only been here a couple of months, moved from New York City.”

“Well at least we know she’s not a Jets or Giants fan.” I laugh. Coach doesn’t.Tough crowd.

“Anyway, answer her questions. Show her around the facility. Give her whatever she asks for.”


Coach rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean. You’re representing the Pioneers. Make her fall in love with the sport. Hell, offer her tickets to the next game. She can sit in the booth, or we can give her a field pass. Just sell yourself and the sport.”

“I can do that.” I make my way toward the sideline where Myles stands with Kelsey. In two seconds flat, I smile like I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. She’s gorgeous and far too pretty to hang out with the likes of me.

Myles nods toward me and says, “Kelsey, this is Alex Moore. He’s our center.”

This poor woman looks utterly confused. I don’t give her time to think about whether she wants to shake my hand or not and reach for hers. It’s tiny, dainty. I’m a giant compared to her. I could easily fit two of her onto my chest and probably leave room for another half person. She’s the perfect little spoon.

I turn on the charm, or what I have left after Maggie took most of it, and say, “Hello, Ms. Sloane. I’m Alex and I’m going to give you the ins and outs of football. But first, I need to shower. Myles will keep you company and bring you to the locker room in thirty minutes.” I have no idea why I repeat my name, but I have and it’s out there. Before I leave her, I wink. The reaction I have confuses me. I’m not a flirt and have never been accused of being smooth, but apparently when you win a contest you didn’t enter to show a beautiful woman around and tell her about your job, all the charm comes through.

Thirty minutes later, and after the guys gave me shit about the pixie waiting for me, I step out into the hallway to find Myles and Kelsey chatting it up. There isn’t a doubt in my mind they’ll be best friends by the end of the day. Myles is easy to get along with.

“All right, I’ll leave you in the hands of Alex. It was nice meeting you, Kelsey. Email me if you need anything.”