Page 99 of Cruel King

He didn’t wait for a response, just pulled my face toward him and kissed me in front of our friends and family. Everyone inside the Percy Tower ballroom cheered.

I pulled back breathlessly. He pressed another quick kiss to my lips.

He stared down at me in awe and whispered, “Tomorrow, we’re doing this for real.”

“Yes,” I gasped.

“Then, you’ll be my wife.”


In all the planning for the wedding, I hadn’t considered that word. Wife. And he’d be my husband. Oh my god.

I dragged him forward and kissed him again to a chorus of laughter. But I didn’t care. The thought had sent butterflies floating through my stomach. Tomorrow, at this time, he’d be my husband.

The officiant announced us, and then we followed the wedding planner’s instructions to walk down the aisle and out of the room.

While she dealt with the rest of the bridal party, Gavin swept me off of my feet and swung me into a circle.

“I still can’t believe you did this.” He fingered the loose curl of my now-dark-brown hair. A color that I hadn’t had in my hair since childhood.

“You don’t like it?”

“I love it. I don’t care what color your hair is. Pink or rainbow. Blonde or brown. Hell, let’s get some red in there, so you match mine,” he said, ruffling his own red-shot brown hair.

I chuckled. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I wanted to make sure this was whatyouwanted.”

I touched the ends self-consciously. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure. I sat down at the salon yesterday, prepared to touch up the vibrancy of my rainbow, and I decided I needed a change. That if I was going to marry you, I wanted it to be my natural color.”

His eyes softened at those words. “Nothing to do with your parents, right? This is all you?”

“All me. Though my mom cried when she saw it, and my dad looked like he might cry.”

“That sounds right.” He drew me tight against him again. “Are you sure you won’t reconsider about tonight too?”

I arched an eyebrow and weaseled my way out of his arms. “One night apart won’t kill you, King. Think about what the wedding night will be like.”

His eyes went molten. “Oh, I’m imagining it all right.”

I pushed him playfully. “You’re a scoundrel.”

“I’myourscoundrel.” He pressed a kiss to my fingers as the rest of our friends made their way toward us.

“Break it up. Break it up,” English said. “We’re stealing her for the night, King.”

“By all means,” he said, relinquishing me to my best friend. “Try not to have her still drunk tomorrow.”

“No promises,” Lark said.

“We make no promises either,” Court said, slinging an arm over Gavin’s shoulders.

Camden sighed and shook his head. “We will take care of him.”

I laughed. “I bet you will.”

Sam pressed a kiss to Lark’s lips before helping the boys drag Gavin out of The Plaza. Gavin looked back at me once and winked.