“Tell me about it,” Katherine grumbled. “They both are growing so fast. That’s what I get for having Camden’s giant children.”
Helena just beamed. “I’m so big because I have a giant brain, and I’m going to be a genius.”
“Is that so?” Whitley asked. “What are you going to do with your genius? Are you going to be a doctor like your aunt Whit?”
Helena wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like blood.”
“Oh, that is a requirement generally.”
“I could be an astronaut!”
“You could,” Whit agreed.
Camden stepped into the foyer like a thunderstorm with a phone pressed to his ear. He waved at us and then kissed his wife. “Can you handle the rest of this? I have to take this call.”
“Of course.”
“Daddy!” Helena called.
Camden grinned, taken with his daughter. He pressed a kiss to her cheek as well and then disappeared down the hall. Helena’s bottom lip stuck out as her daddy left.
“Daddy should come play!” Helena decided.
Katherine smoothed her dark hair. “Daddy has to work. You can go play with Nanny Kimberly or see if you can cajole Aunt Whit into it.”
Helena dropped down, wobbly on her two feet, and looked between Kimberly and Whit. “Both!”
Kimberly smiled at us. She was young, maybe her early twenties at most, with shoulder-length blonde hair and kind, clear eyes. She didn’t seem to be the kind of person Katherine would be okay with hiring.
“I can take her upstairs. You don’t have to come,” Kimberly told Whitley.
“I want to.” Then, Whitley had Helena’s hand in hers, and they traipsed upstairs.
“All right,” Kimberly said. “Would you like me to take Beckett too?”
Katherine shook her head. “I’ll hold him. He’s almost asleep anyway. If I disturb him, who knows if he’ll go down?”
“As you wish.” Then, she followed Whitley and Helena upstairs.
“She seems nice,” I told her. “A little pretty for a nanny position.”
Katherine shot me a devilish grin. “Are you insinuating that my husband has wandering eyes?”
“Not if he wants to keep all of his limbs.”
Katherine’s smile only widened. “Well, at least you know me. Anyway, Camden has never had interest in the help. Unlike some people.” Her face was suddenly furious, and then it disappeared when she looked down at her son. She ran her hand over his tuft of hair. “I trust him.”
Which was bold, considering their past problems. But I was happy for them. They seemed to be doing better than ever.
“And you and Whitley?” Katherine asked. “Are you keeping your hands to yourself?”
“With Whitley? Definitely not. She’s in my bed every night.”
“Good. Keep it that way, King. Or you’ll find yourself without certain parts as well.”
I winced at those words. “No worries there.”
Katherine shot me an assessing look. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”