Page 72 of Cruel King

He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You’re sure about this?”

“I’m frankly shocked you would marry someone without one.”

“No, no, I want one. I’d just never thought that someone I was marrying would suggest it.”

I shot him a mystified look. “You really have been dating the worst sort of people, haven’t you?”

He grinned and tugged me in for another kiss. “Not anymore.”

I swatted at him, but that thing happened in my stomach again. “Oh, shush. Do you want me to get a lawyer, or do you have one on staff?”

“I know a guy.”

“Good. Do the thing, so I can mark it off the list.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’tma’amme,” I said, wrinkling my nose at him.

He laughed and threaded our fingers together as we headed back toward his work. “You can call me sir.” He winked at me. “In bed.”

“Yes, I gathered that’s what you were referring too,” I said with a shake of my head. But I was smiling … and considering it.

When we made it back to my work, Gavin drew me in for another long kiss. “I missed you while I was gone.”

“Well, I am very missable.”

“You are. And my mom and aunt say hi. They’re excited for the wedding. Mom wanted to throw you a bridal shower in Midland, but there’s not a lot of time.”

I bit my lip. “Is it a faux pas to accept a bridal shower for a fake wedding?”

“It’s still a real wedding, Whit.” He curled a lock of rainbow hair around a finger. “I’d take you with me if you wanted to do it.”

“Put it on the list.” I hadn’t thought about things like bridal showers. I loved his family. I’d rather do one there than with my family and their friends.

“We could go to Dallas after that to check on your dad too,” he suggested.

I swallowed and nodded. “Okay. Maybe.”

“And I have another request.”

“What else?” I asked with fake exasperation.

“The opening of the summer season in the Hamptons is next weekend.”


“So … Camden has a house, and normally, I show up whenever I can get drunk. But I thought we could go. Think a vineyard event and a cupcake gala for LGBTQ+ youth and beach parties.”

I snorted. “That’s not really my scene.”

He leaned into me and ran his thumb along my bottom lip. “Bonfires and late-night pool dips and sex in Camden’s mansion.”

“Now, you’re speaking my language.”

“It could be fun. Just me and you and the high society of Manhattan on vacation.”

“You have a way of making it sound appealing and ridiculous.” I touched my hair. “They’re all going to sneer at the rainbow.”