Page 70 of Cruel King

I relaxed at that word. We were the same. And that was for the better. We understood each other. I didn’t want to complicate this. I wanted it to be as perfect as it was right in this moment.

I was almost asleep when I swore I heard Gavin say, “But I intend to tell you.”

But I was sure that couldn’t have been right.





“Dr. Bowen,” the receptionist called, stepping into my office, “your fiancé is here.”

Her cheeks dimpled with excitement, and she looked a little dazed. Gavin must have worked his charm on her.

“Thank you, Lucinda. I’ll be right out.”

I put off what I had been working on, grabbed my purse, and stepped into the hallway. My boss, Dr. Kevin Varma, entered from the next office over.

“What is this I hear? He’s here? Do I get to meet the fiancé finally?”

“He’s here,” I confirmed. “Try not to scare him away.”

Varma laughed. “I haven’t scared away any of my sons-in-law, and this one will be as good as my son as well. As you are my daughter by everything but birth.”

I glowed at that assessment. It was one of the reasons that I’d moved home. Yes, he was paying me an astronomical amount, but I felt like family here.

“Fine. Come on. Let me introduce you.”

I strode down the hallway and out into the waiting room. Gavin stood there with a bouquet of summer flowers in a riot of color to match my new hairstyle. I’d gone for an almost mermaid level of rainbow. Teal moved into blue, moved into green, and down into a deep dark purple to my cotton-candy pink. I loved it. The fact that Gavin would think to get me a bouquet of roses in the same color pattern made my heart do an unexpected flip.

“Hey, stranger,” I said with a grin.

He’d been in Midland for the last couple of days for work, and I could admit that I’d missed him. I’dreallymissed him.

He tugged me in close and brushed a needy kiss on my lips. “Hey, you. Miss me?”

I snagged the flowers from him. “Maybe.” I held the flowers to my nose to hide my secret smile and turned to Dr. Varma. “Gavin, I’ve been meaning to introduce you. This is Dr. Varma.”

“Please call me Kevin,” Dr. Varma said, offering his hand and shaking Gavin’s energetically. “It is a pleasure to meet you. It is a great honor to meet the man who thinks that he can tame a lion.”

We both laughed. “He’s not taming me.”

“I truly am not,” Gavin said easily. “I like her just the way she is.”

“Bless you,” Kevin said with a chuckle. “You will always have your hands full.”

Gavin winked at me. “I intend to.”

I flushed and tried to roll my eyes through it. “You two are obnoxious.”

“She likes us that way,” Kevin said jovially. “Now, I assume you’re here to take her to lunch. Hand me those flowers, and I will find a place for them.”

I passed them to him. “Are you sure?”

“Get out of here before I change my mind. I remember being young and in love. Go.”