Page 66 of Cruel King

I nodded, my eyes on Whitley. I did. I did know.



Robert was fake smiling. I’d seen his real smile, and that certainly wasn’t it.

He was diplomatic to a fault. It was one of his strong suits. He’d never make Gavin feel bad for what was happening even if he really wanted to. In fact, what he’d done at Fashion Week was so out of character that it was what had finally shaken me loose.

My eyes found Katherine, standing next to her husband, chatting with people I didn’t recognize. As if feeling my eyes on her, she turned and met my gaze. She arched an eyebrow.

You did this, I mouthed.

Her eyes traveled to where Gavin and Robert were currently talking. Yes, I’d sent Gavin over there, but only because it was a necessity. Normally, I walked away from a relationship and never had to deal with the person ever again. That was never going to be the case with Robert. Not when I was back in New York City and we had all the same friends. I didn’t mind burning a few dozen bridges on the way out. I never had. I just didn’t want to burn this one. Not when I was the one who had been in the wrong.

Katherine looked back over at me and smirked like the devil she was.You’re welcome, she mouthed back.

Damn, I loved her.

I laughed despite myself and turned my back on her. I’d been so focused on Katherine that I hadn’t seen who was approaching me.

“Hello, Whitley,” Harmony said.

“Hey, Harm,” I said with a smile.

Harmony and I hadn’t interacted that much before I left, but I always liked people who could ruffle Katherine’s feathers. It had been my mission for several years. What else were friends for? But we’d definitely be working on the wedding dress going forward. Harmony helped run her mother’s company, Cunningham Couture. Katherine had modeled for them in earlier years. In fact, so had Harmony before she moved fully into design.

“Congratulations. I can’t wait to work on the dress with you. To be fair, she didn’t tell me who you were wearing it for.”

I shook my head. “That sounds like her.”

“I asked, but she said I’d find out at the party.” Harmony rolled her eyes. “Her flair for the dramatic has somehow increased. I thought kids would mellow her out.”

“If Camden couldn’t, then nothing can.”

She chuckled. “Fair. So, how did this happen?”

“If you can believe it, he proposed in a limo,” I said with a laugh.

“Oh, that I can believe. That sounds just like Gavin King.”

“And, yeah, I don’t know. I got back and moved into the same building as him. We started spending a lot of time together, and … it just happened.”

“Huh,” she muttered. “Wasn’t sure either of you would settle down. No offense.”

“None taken. I never plan to,” I muttered. She arched an eyebrow at my present tense, and I laughed it off. “What about you and Robert?”

“Ah, the elephant in the room.” But Harmony’s bright smile gave away how far gone she was. “You don’t mind that we’re dating?”

“Why would I mind? We dated so long ago. I want him to be happy.”

I had been over Robert before it ended. I wished that I’d made the decision to end it before things went downhill.

“Well, Katherine sort of set us up,” she said with a mischievous smile. “It was over Christmas. I won’t bore you with the details, but neither of us thought it was going to work out, and now, here we are, six months later. Better than ever.”

“Good,” I said honestly. I clutched her hand, glad that this wasn’t half as awkward as I’d thought it would be. “That’s what I want for you and for him.”

Harmony beamed. “Thank you, Whitley.” She squeezed my hand. “Now, let’s talk about this dress. Katherine is determined to do it without you, but I would like some input.”