“We can send the jet if it’s a problem,” Gavin said offhand.
I thought my mom might turn purple as she sputtered in shock. Yeah, we weren’tprivate jetrich.
“Plus, Camden Percy is a close personal friend. I’m sure he could put in a room block at Percy Tower so that everyone could stay in the heart of the city,” Gavin said as if he’d already thought this through.
“That would be … incredibly generous,” my mom said.
“Sounds like y’all have this all figured out,” Dad said with a nod of approval toward me.
I shot Gavin a questioning look. “It sure does.”
He took my hand again and brought it to his lips. “Our best friends are getting married right now. So, I’ve heard all the hoops they’ve jumped through. Their wedding will be much bigger than ours though since Court’s mom is the mayor.”
“The mayor of New York?” my mom asked in awe.
She was starting to get the sort of people that I hung out with here in the city.
“Yes, Court is the mayor’s son, and he’s marrying English. Remember her?”
My mom’s eyes widened. She’d thought English was some lowly slut who worked with degenerate rockstars and probably did drugs. She hadn’t even thought better of her after she married Josh, who was a legitimate movie star. But apparently, marrying the son of the mayor was something else entirely.
“Anna English?” she asked, just to be sure.
“Yep. We went to UCLA together.”
“I do remember her now,” Mom said.
“She’s a nice girl,” Dad said. “I’m glad she’s happy.”
“Me too.”
My dad changed the subject to my brother as dinner was served. I dug into my steak, only half-paying attention to the life my brother was leading back in Dallas. The kids were going into kindergarten and second grade this year. Carrie was working at some MLM business that kept her busy on the weekends when she wasn’t carting the oldest to baseball. Wyatt was helping dad run the business, of course.
I opted out of dessert, hoping that we could have this entire charade over sooner rather than later, but Gavin shook his head.
“I have never known you to skip dessert,” he said. Which was true, but damn it.
He ordered us each the cheesecake, which I’d been eyeing. I had no idea how he’d known it was what I wanted. He just smirked, as if he already knew me that well. He ordered a port for himself and my father while Mom insisted that she couldn’t spare the calories.
I nearly choked right then and there. Ever since Katherine’s anorexia scare, I’d been firmly in the anti-diet culture stance. No calorie counting, no scales, none of that bullshit. Just intuitive eating and living a healthy lifestyle. Just hearing her mention calories was triggering.
Dad and Gavin were talking about the baseball season. I hadn’t even known Gavin liked baseball, but he apparently could carry on an entire conversation about the Texas Rangers. We ate dessert as they chatted.
Unbeknownst to the rest of us, Gavin picked up the entire tab and wouldn’t hear a word from my parents about covering it. “My treat.”
I knew he had the money, but still. “You didn’t have to do that,” I said as we walked out of the restaurant.
“I absolutely did,” he whispered against my ear. “Not every day I get to take out my fiancée’s parents.”
“You’re a scoundrel.”
He chuckled. “You like it.”
I grinned up at him. The night was over. We’d both survived. Maybe we could go back to my place and have sex. That’d be the correct end to this night.
But my mom intercepted us. “Could we come over and talk some more?”
I blinked at her. “To … my place?”