Page 31 of Cruel King

“And I’m Whit. I fit right in.”

I snagged a glance at her. She did fit right in.

We moved away deeper into the crowd, me pointing out each of my cousins again. When we reached Margaret, she grasped Whitley’s hand in hers and stared down at the diamond.

“I amsojealous. Who said you got to have this one?” Margaret said. She winked at Whitley.

“Iamthe oldest,” I reminded her. “Grandma wanted me to have it.”

Margaret still pouted. “You are one lucky girl.”

“You’re marrying a Locke tomorrow,” Malcolm said dryly.

He arched an eyebrow at me. There was a question in it. Malcolm and I were the closest in age, and he was the kind of person who could read someone with a glance. He’d always been an intuitive person, and under his scrutiny, it felt almost as if the whole house of cards was going to come tumbling down.

“I suppose I am.” Margaret made a face seemingly before she thought better of it. Then, a big fake smile came onto her lips, and she shoved her ring into Whitley’s face.

“Gorgeous,” Whitley confirmed.

“Say, what are your plans tonight?”

Whitley looked over at me in question, and when I shook my head, she shrugged. “No plans.”

“Well, we’re having a little girls’ night. I had a bachelorette party already, but this is for family and my bridesmaids. You’re going to be family soon. So, you should come.”

“Ilovegirls’ nights,” Whitley said with a grin at me, which I knew all too well meant she was going to do something devious.

“Oh lord,” I groaned.

“What?” Margaret asked. “Are you worried we’re going to corrupt her?”

“No. I’m worried she’s going to corruptyou.”

Malcolm chuckled. “As if someone who intends to marry Gavin can’t already keep up with him.”

“Fair,” Margaret agreed.

“If only he could set a better example for Nate.”

“Hey,” Nate said, overhearing. He was chatting with a blonde who must have been his date. “I take offense to that.”

“No, you don’t,” Mal said.

“Good one,” Trent said, pointing at Malcolm as he leaned back lazily on a lounger.

Nate snorted. “Fine. Gavin is practically a role model.”

“Says the thirst trap,” Margaret said with a pointed eye roll.

“What can I say? TikTok loves me.”

Whitley glanced between the whole group of siblings. “If Gavin is your role model, I fear for the women who cross your path.”

Margaret burst into laughter. “Oh, I like her, cos.”

My eyes wandered to Whitley’s pleased face. I liked her too. I liked her a lot. Especially how she could hold her own with my enormous family. Maybe I shouldn’t have played this game. With her wide smile and easy demeanor, I found that I didn’t want this to be fake at all.

“So, yes on the party tonight?”