I couldn’t keep my face neutral. “You can all breathe. It’s a joke.”
“What the fuck, Whit?” English snapped.
“I don’t get it,” Lark said.
“You’re at the wedding,” Katherine guessed intuitively.
I pointed at her. “Bingo. I flew with Gavin to Texas for his cousin’s wedding. He needed a plus-one.” I grinned at them. “I just wanted to raise your hackles.”
“You’re a bitch,” English grumbled. “I actually went to your apartment to try to yell at you.”
“Sorry, airplane mode. I missed all your calls.”
Gavin leaned over again. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her.”
Katherine smirked. “I bet you will.”
I snorted at Katherine’s quip. Typical Katherine.
“Okay, I’m going to let you all go now. We’re almost to the hotel.”
English shot me a look. “Call me later, okay?”
“Love you.”
Then, I hung up.
Gavin chuckled. “They were having a fit.”
“I knew they would. Especially when I sent them a picture of the ring.”
“I thought you were going to tell them our grand scheme.”
“It might have been too much, even for them.”
English had still looked pissed. I was probably going to get an earful when I finally called her back. She wouldn’t want to rage in front of Gavin. That was more Katherine, but she’d just smirked, as if she had known this was all going to happen.
“I’ll tell them how it all turns out when I get back.”
“You and your stories.”
“Hey, I have good stories,” I argued.
“Ah, yes,The Crazy Adventures of Whitley Bowen™.”
I arched an eyebrow. “You’re the one who brought me here to be another crazy story, King.”
His smile was genuine. “I never said otherwise. And I like the stories anyway.”
That look told me he was telling the truth, but I still felt wary. The girls always thought my stories from my ill-conceived relationships were a riot. But the people I dated thought they were a time bomb, waiting to blow up in their face. Not that Gavin and I were dating …
“Here we are,” Gavin said as the car rolled up to the front of a fancy hotel downtown. “Everyone from out of town is staying here.”
I followed him up the stairs as a bellman dealt with our luggage. The hotel looked like something straight out of New York. Maybe not as nice as Percy Tower, but still swanky.
I had to remind myself that this was a Texas oil dynasty. Of course they’d put everyone up at the nicest hotel in town. And they had done it because they wanted to, not to keep up with the Joneses, like my parents.
Gavin checked us in and then passed me a key. We took the elevator to one of the top floors, and he opened the door to a massive suite. There was a balcony overlooking the city and oil fields beyond. A king-size bed was set back into its own bedroom with a bathroom that made me want to crawl into the enormous tub and live there permanently.