“But you called it off. You spent all that money.”
I waved off her objections. “I love her.”
Tears came to her eyes. “That’s all we’ve wanted for her.”
“Now, I just have to convince her.”
She laughed softly. “Good luck.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll need it.”
“I’m really not up for this,” I grumbled as English directed me down the pathway toward Bethesda Fountain in Central Park.
Katherine and Lark were also on duty, walking on either side of us.
“I know, but you need this,” English said.
Katherine nodded. “It’s true. You slept for fifteen hours. You need fresh air.”
“And sunshine,” Lark added.
There was no point in arguing. I hadn’t argued when they showed up at my apartment and escorted me into an awaiting car that dropped us off at the edge of Central Park. I’d barely had enough time to change. Katherine had applied makeup to my splotchy face in the car. I wasn’t sure what I looked like, but if Katherine approved, then I guessed I was safe for a public appearance.
“Are the pictures from yesterday everywhere?” I asked, biting my lip.
I hadn’t thought much about it at the time. But someone had definitely taken pictures of what had happened. Not to mention, my tear-stricken face. Gavin and I had been onPage Sixfor our official engagement announcement. Of course the vultures would be more than happy to see our downfall.
Katherine and English exchanged a look.
I groaned. “Is it that bad?”
“I suppressed them as much as I could,” Lark said.
“Same. I did all I could,” English said.
“But you’re news,” Katherine said with a shrug. “Hard to quash real news.”
English flipped through her phone until she found the offending pictures and then let me see.
“That’s the best of them,” English told me.
If this was the best of them, then we were fucked. I hardly recognized myself in the horrible image as I’d rushed out of Percy Tower yesterday morning. I passed the phone back to English. No use in looking at any of the others. It was weird enough to be treated like a celebrity just because I was marrying a King. Well, that hadn’t exactly happened, had it?
“Lovely,” I mumbled.
“What did you expect?” Katherine asked me.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Katherine arched an eyebrow. “That’s a first.”
I scowled right back at her. “This isn’t one of my stories.”