It’s the most excruciating pleasure I’ve ever experienced. Every move has his ridges rubbing against delicious parts of me. I can barely keep my eyes open, but closing them means missing the way Bram watches me. Like a devout man who’s finally seen the face of his god. Later, it might make me uncomfortable. Right now, I soak up his attention, revel in this moment of perfect understanding.
My body adjusts. It just takes a little longer than I’m used to. I roll my hips slowly, both because it feels good and because of how closely he watches me. His jaw is clenched so tightly, I worry for his teeth. “Bram.”
“Come for me, Grace. Please. I can’t—”
It’s as if his desperation undoes my own. I pick up my pace, chasing that burning ember of need deep inside me. It flares hotter and hotter. So close... I could hold out. Maybe. Could wring him dry and win this little wager.
I don’t want to.
I press my fingers to my clit, circling exactly the way I need as I ride him. One stroke. Two. On the third, my body clenches so hard, it makes me dizzy. “Oh,fuck.” I grind down on his cock, riding the wave that rises and rises until I’m suddenly terrified it will never crest. When it does, I almost black out.
Bram releases my knees, causing his cock to sink even deeper. I shriek, but the sound is cut off when he sits up and kisses me. Heclingsto me, his mouth moving against mine even as his hips pump into me. It’s soft and sweet and... Oh fuck, I’m coming again.
This time, he follows me. His cockpulsesinside me. I cry out again against his lips, and he swallows the sound even as he orgasms. On and on and on, each stroke a surge I can feel until his seed overflows and spills down my thighs and all over his lap.
I collapse against him, or maybe he collapses against me. I honestly can’t be sure. We hold each other, shivering and shaking and weaving like two drunken sailors cast adrift in seas beyond our knowing.
At some point, I become aware of Bram brushing featherlight kisses along my throat and shoulder. His arms tighten around me. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” I think so. I’m going to be sore tomorrow, but the ache starting between my thighs is more than worth the cost of what I just experienced. I brush his hair back. “Are you?”
“No.” He huffs out a rough laugh. “I think my world just tilted on its axis.”
Yes. That’s exactly what it feels like. I just didn’t expect him to admit as much out loud. I kiss his temple, his horns. “You did well.”
He makes a sound that’s nearly a moan. “Give me a few moments and...”
“A bath.” I kiss his brows. “Nice long hot soak. Then a snack and a cuddle.” I can barely move, but we’re due for a crash, and I don’t want to experience it alone. I don’t wanthimto experience it alone. “How does that sound?”
Bram’s arms tighten around me, and then he seems to make an effort to ease his hold. “That sounds good, Grace. Really, really good.”
We manage to stagger to the bathroom and get the water running, though we barely last a few minutes before Bram is snoring softly, his head leaned back and his throat exposed. It was such a short time ago that he handed me a knife and pressed it to his throat, and now he bares the same vulnerability to me, but it feels like trust instead of a dare.
I wake Bram up and we muddle through drying off and stumbling to bed. He doesn’t hesitate to wrap a big arm around my waist and tuck me in against his body. I probably shouldn’t read into the fact that he falls asleep almost immediately, once again trusting me not to take advantage of his vulnerability.
I... like him. I don’t know why that’s such a revelation. I already knew I understood him. I just didn’t expect to like him so much, even though part of me recognizes an identical part of him. I don’t know what it means. Maybe it shouldn’t mean anything at all.
I just don’t know.
Idon’t know why I keep putting myself in this position. I knew last night was a mistake before I ever left the castle. If some large part of me relished the chase, knowing I wouldn’t escape... I don’t know what to say to that. I wanted an excuse to be in Bram’s bed, to truly explore everything he has to offer. I don’t know what it says about me that I needed an excuse. If I wanted him, I should’ve been able to take him. But that’s not how I operate.
I am a Jaeger.
We don’t die of old age, and we are all too aware of the possibility of monsters wearing human skin. Sex makes everyone vulnerable—you’re not protecting your throat when you’re in the heart of an orgasm. Several members of my extended family were taken out like that. My mother called it a lesson to be heeded. She liked to make lessons out of a lot of things.
Pleasure is a lie. Happiness is fleeting. In the end, all we have is family.
I don’t even have that anymore.
What I’m left with are questions I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get answers to. Oh, I believe Azazel and Ramanu when they claim they will give me the answers I seek. That’s the problem, though. They might be able to tell me how my mother died and what she bargained for, but even if I know the terms of the deal she made with Azazel, will I knowwhy?
It’s thewhythat haunts me. She gave no indication of her plans. One day she was there, and the next she was simply gone, never to return. It wasn’t for money. We have plenty of that, thanks to some clever investments made by my grandfather. It was all for... That’s the thing. Nothing actually changed. It’s not like she gave her life and we have something to show for it. She disappeared, leaving a gaping hole behind her. I want to know why, and I’m not sure I’ll ever have that answer.
I certainly won’t find it in Bram’s bed.