He hasn’t bothered to hide what he wants, and though he orchestrated this devil’s bargain between us when I was under duress, that doesn’t mean I’m not willing. Quite the contrary. I’ve all but waved a red flag in front of him and demanded he chase me.

That’s why I don’t hesitate to slice my finger and press it to the pendant. The effect is instantaneous. It pulses, and I feel an answering pulsing low in my stomach. “Is there some kind of waiting period?”


Thank the gods. I don’t care if this is a terrible idea. I don’t care if this man is a godsawful match for me. I certainly don’t care that he makes me act in a way that’s in direct counterpoint to my goals. Terrifying though it may be, when I’m with him, I feel less alone. When we go toe-to-toe, there’s no room for the old grief that has plagued my steps, for the worry about a future in which all I can see is yet more loneliness, followed by an early death. Who will bury me when some monster I’m hunting strikes me down? I have no family left. Likely I will get some gravestone in a generic human cemetery, with the name “Jane Doe” written across the stone.

I don’t have to think about that now. In fact, I don’t have to think about that for the next seven years if I don’t want to. It might mean waiting for answers, but I’ve already waited years. What are a few more? Guilt threatens to sink its claws into to me at the thought, but I don’t have to let it.

At least not tonight.

“Take off your clothes, Bram.”

“You first.” His eyes rake over my body so intensely that I swear I can feel them. “I want to see you.” But he doesn’t move an inch closer. He won’t until I give him permission... until Iorderhim. Again, that intoxicating power flows through me. I might not have control of my life or my destiny, but right now, in this bedroom, I have control of Bram. It’s willingly given, which makes this sensation all the more intoxicating.

“No,” I say slowly. “After that little stunt you pulled outside, you have to earn my body. The first step is removing your clothing.” When he still hesitates, I tilt my head to the side. “You know how this game is played, Bram. If you want it to end, all you need to do is tell me to stop. You can walk out the door, and I won’t do a thing to keep you here. I certainly won’t hold it against you.”

He snorts. “You’re in my room, Grace.”

“Yes, I am. And the moment this ends, I will go back to my room.” I fight not to hold my breath, not to let him know how desperately I need his obedience. His submission.

Is his breath coming a little faster? It’s hard to tell, but I think it is. He licks his lips. “If I play this game with you, where will we end tonight?”

He wants this just as much as I do. He’s the one who orchestrated the events that brought me to this place. To this sexual bargain. He’s the one who desperately wants to hit his knees and give himself over to me. I just need to give him one last little push. An excuse to take what he wants... or, rather, to allow me to give it to him. To fulfill his needs.

I drag my finger along the chain of the birth control pendant slowly. He tenses, almost as if he’s fighting not to pounce on me. The thought gives me a thrill. He won’t. I’m certain of it. Not until I give the command. “If you play this game with me, if you submit to my commands like the good boy that I know you can be, then we will end tonight with me riding your cock.” I lean forward, and he mirrors the movement. My body goes tight, and I lower my voice, coaxing him closer still. “And if you’re very,verygood, I’ll let you fill me up.”

His nostrils flare. Without leaning away or creating any farther distance between us, he reaches down and unwraps the cloth shielding him from my sight. It hits the floor with barely a sound. I don’t think either of us is breathing. It feels like a gunshot went off.

I lean back and prop myself up on my hands so I can watch him to my heart’s content. Truth be told, I need him to touch me just as much as I need to touch him. But there is delicious agony in making us both wait. I knew Bram was well-built. I had his cock in my hands and mouth a very short time ago. It doesn’t matter. The sight of him makes me clench my thighs together.

There’s no reason to hold off this time. I don’t have to stop myself from riding his cock. With this pendant around my neck, the worst consequence is out of reach. If my heart is a little more tender than I expected, it’s a small enough price to pay for an escape with this man. One that will benefit both of us.


Bram doesn’t hesitate. He lowers himself slowly to the floor and arranges himself on his knees. If I didn’t know better, I would think he had some kind of training in the submissive arts because he spreads his thighs just enough to frame his cock and balls and drapes his wings behind him, pretty as a picture. But then I look at his face and realize it’s not intentional at all. He’s moving on automatic, every bit of his focus narrowed on me.

It’s more intoxicating than any drug I’ve tried. I want more. Now.

I sit up a little and pull my shirt over my head. I didn’t bother with anything underneath it. Not when I knew where we’d end up tonight. I’m not about to give away everything for a simple command, but I do pause to toe off my boots and socks.

“You’re very beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” I eye the slope of his shoulders and the thick slices of muscle moving beneath his cool skin. “Whatever creator you believe in spent a little extra time when forming you.”

His aura swirls with the magenta of embarrassment and the deep fuchsia of pleasure. “You don’t have to say things like that to me.”

“I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, Bram. I like complimenting you. It’s the truth, and it pleases me to see you squirm.” I drift my fingers down my chest to cup one breast. He forgets all about his embarrassment as he watches me circle my nipple with my thumb. “I know you don’t have a high opinion of yourself, but I would like to hear you tell me your greatest strength.”

He shakes his head sharply. “That’s nonsense. What does such a thing matter?”

“I suppose what it matters is up to you.” I trail my fingers further, down my stomach to the top of my pants. “I’ll happily remove these... just as soon as you answer my question honestly.”



Iknew that there would be bedroom games played tonight, but I didn’t expect Grace to fuck with my head so thoroughly. Or so quickly. She’s serious too. I can read her resolve in the violet of her energy. She knows how uncomfortable this makes me, but she’s not going to relent.

I grit my teeth and force the words out. “My greatest strength is my strength itself.”