“Who set all this up?” he asked as he put his hand on an EKG machine.
“I did.”
He pivoted and looked at her. She was half Phalen-ized, the bottom of her professional with those heels and slacks, but the top part was work-from-home casual in his baggy-ass fleece. But hey, the hair was back in order.
So maybe the look was three-fifths a Phalen.
And hey, she’d be perfect for a waist-down Zoom call.
“This is not going to work,” he said. As she opened her mouth to argue, he put his palm up. “It’s not that there isn’t a lot here, it’s the staffing. If something goes down, I’m going to need help. Unless you think I have an extra set of hands hidden on me? What if you go into cardiac arrest, for example?”
“We’ll get private nurses. There’s a suite right next door that sleeps three in a very comfortable arrangement.”
“With critical care training?” He noped the shit out of that. “I want my people and they’re downstairs. It’s in your best interest, and if you can’t recognize that, it’s my job as your doctor to insist on your standard of care.”
“So bring them up here.”
“That’s not feasible and you know it. I’ve got doctors I want on this, too.”
He could tell by the way she crossed her arms over her chest she was spoiling to give him a fight. So he went back out into her bowling alley of a bedroom. While she formulated some kind of defense against being reasonable, he wandered around. No pictures. No paintings. Another modern sculpture that looked like a high schooler with a power drill had hit a block of marble with everything they were worth.
The bathroom was across the way and he leaned into it. Nothing on the counter. No makeup. No brushes. No hair spray. Not even a towel. And the pair of sinks with their black metal faucets gleamed.
He couldn’t resist. He went over to the shower and opened the smoky glass door. One bar of soap, and a twinsie set of shampoo and conditioner with some fancy French name on it.
“So you actually do live here,” he muttered as he turned around.
“Fine,” she said over at the bathroom’s door. “I’ll do this down in the lab for as long as it’s medically necessary. After that? I come here—but there has to be some way to manage the talk. I don’t want any distractions in the lab or talk outside of it. The work has to continue and there can be no leaks.”
“Those people have been working on a secret drug for how long?” he said dryly. “You think they’re going to break their confidentiality agreements now?”
As she looked away with annoyance, he shook his head. She’d known all along that she was going to get to this critical juncture, when her disease tipped the scales and started to get away from her. She had planned everything, that bedroom out there a magnum opus of medical support no doubt set up as soon as she’d landed with all her one-note tables and chairs and her stupid-looking, pretentious sculptures.
Gus went over to her and put out his palm. “My rules. I’m just trying to make sure you survive this.”
In a sick way, he enjoyed how hard it was for her to submit. But that was the asshole in him who liked to fuck with people—and also maybe the romantic who felt like she was cheating on him with that guard. Which was nuts.
Somehow, though, if she’d been banging a guy from outside of the operation, it wouldn’t have bothered him so much.
Or maybe it would have.
Just before she shook what he was putting to her, he retracted his forearm. “One more thing.”
“When it’s just you and me? I’m calling you Cathy.”
Well, wasn’t Gus St. Claire full of demands tonight, C.P. thought.
And she was beyond done with it.
“That hasn’t been my name for a decade. Maybe two. So I’m not answering to it.”
“Okay, Cathy.”
His dark stare seemed to bore through her, and although she was the last person to drop out of a game of eye chicken, she did look away first.
“And of course you’re going to do what you want,” she muttered.