Page 110 of Forever

Blade stepped back. “Be well, Daniel. Your businessand mine end here tonight. I will not pursue any actions against that lab, providing they harm none of either of my kind. Or that of your wife’s. I protect what I once failed to defend. It is the only way I’ve been able to live with myself.”

With that, the man bowed—

And disappeared right into thin air.

Left on his own, Daniel stared into the darkness… and had to wonder whether or not he was dreaming.



The sounds were muffled, and at first, Lydia dismissed them as the start of another dream, another descent into the madness that seemed to await her whenever her eyes closed.

But they continued.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Sitting up, she pushed her hair out of her eyes. Then she looked over to the glass sliding door. At first, the shape on the far side terrified her—another mechanical soldier, sent to kill them all!

Except no. She recognized the bald head.

“Daniel,” she cried out.

Scrambling through the messy blankets, she exploded across the room and fumbled with the lock. As she yanked open the plate glass panel, the cold air barged in as if it were sick of the great outdoors and looking to chill a new territory.

And there he was. Shivering, flushed—and looking at her as if he had been gone a lifetime.

It felt like he had been away that long.

“Daniel, you’re wrong about everything—”

“I know—”

“What?” She stepped back. “Wait, come inside, it’s freezing out there.”

His teeth were chattering and his lips blue, and she wrapped him in the duvet before he could argue he didn’t need it.

“Oh, God, Lydia… I’m such a fucking fool.” He captured her face in his hands. “I was a terrible, terrible fool and I’m so sorry—”

“Wait, I don’t understand—”

“Blade came to see me.” Daniel wrapped the comforter more tightly around himself, took her hand, and drew her over to the bed so they could sit down together. “I’m so sorry. When I walked into that cave, my emotions got the better of me. I should have listened to you, but I just… I wasn’t thinking straight. It’s pretty goddamn unforgivable—”

“I swear, that wasn’t what was going on. He’d been injured. Xhex brought a doctor to him, and I went there to see if he needed anything. I was naked under the robe because I traveled in wolven form out from this house for safety’s sake. There was nothing sexual in any of it.”

“I know.”

Lydia blinked. And prayed she wasn’t dreaming this all. But then she got pissed. “So he told you. And you believe him and not me—”

“He showed me.” Daniel touched his temple. “He let me see inside his brain somehow, I don’t know what he did or how. But you’re right, I should have just listened to you, and I go cold when I think what would have happened if he hadn’t come and found me.”

“Where were you,” she asked.

“At a campsite about fifty miles from here.”

“But… how did he find you?”

“He’s my former boss. He’s the head of the Federal Bureau of Genetics. And I need to find C.P. He has a message for her. He’s dropping her lab from his list of things to do.”