“Bye, Mom,” I say with a smile, grabbing my backpack and kissing her cheek.

“Have a good day, Bella,” Cassie says quietly. She’s a mouse, staying in the shadows, and I’d prefer it if it stayed that way. Instead, she’s always winning academic awards and working on school projects.

I do alright in school, but I live for cheer and my social life. I enjoy being in the spotlight and adored, and while this school has already elevated me to school royalty even though I’m the new girl, it’s not enough.

Sailing past my step-sister, my braid hits her in the face.Ooops.

“Oh my god, are you serious?” Cassie gasps.

“Lyra, that wasn’t very nice. Please try to get each other to school in one piece,” Mom groans.

“I want to drive,” Cassie insists as she rushes with her little legs to catch up to me.At least I have height going for me.I’m five-eight, leggy, and thin. I have to be little so I can fly.

It’s my happy place, where nothing else matters.

“No,” I snap, opening the car doors. “You’re terrible at driving in the snow, you’ll kill us. I, personally, would like to live to graduate high school. I would normally say you’re welcome to live dangerously, but you’re a passenger in the car with me. Get your ass in the seat or I’ll make you walk. My mom can’t help you, so don’t look at her, Miss Goody Two-Shoes,” I tell her, rolling my eyes as she turns to my mom, who is already in her car and backing out. “My mom also believes in fighting your battles, so you need to toughen up a bit.”

Cassie hurries around the front and climbs into the car. Smirking at how quiet she is, I get into the driver’s seat and start the engine.Shit, it’s cold.I’m still not used to the automatic start yet, because I didn’t have one in Texas.

Shivering, I turn on the seat warmer for myself and pull out of the driveway. Cassie turns on pop, and I wrinkle my nose. Her music is depressing, talking about broken hearts and needing the other person. Glancing at the radio, I see it’s an artist I don’t recognize:Chord Overstreet.

“Cassie, I need some Taylor Swift in my life instead of this sad music. God, who hurt you?” I complain, changing the music as I drive.

Cassie’s mouth drops open, an angry blush rises on her cheeks. She would be really pretty if she gave a shit about her appearance.

“My music isn’t shit or depressing,” she sputters.

I chuckle, shaking my head. “Yeah, okay, baby sis, whatever you say.”

“Ew, Lyra, please never call me that again. We were born a week apart, and we are most certainly not sisters,” Cassie says, her expression disgusted.

I’m having too much fun fucking with her, so I mess with her all the way to school.

Slamming out of the car, Cassie mutters to herself about how she can’t wait to graduate as she stomps into the building.

While Cassie is a whirlwind of anger, I get out slowly, smiling at my friends as I see them. They surround me, and I promptly push her out of my mind.

Tormenting my new step-sister is going to become my new favorite hobby, I just know it.


Irub my shoulder after being pushed into a locker for the second time today. My dear step-sister found friends quickly at this new school, while I frankly haven’t tried. Leaving Danny was hard. We still text occasionally, but it’s not the same. I’m tired of moving, and the constant new bullies no matter what school I go to. The catcalls by football players about what I’m hiding under my clothes or mean girls ‘accidentally’ pushing me into lockers is getting old.

Sighing, I glance at the lunchroom and ask myself if I want to put up with the trauma that is eating in there.

Glancing at my stomach, I glare as it rumbles. Grabbing an energy bar from my locker, I shake my head. The last time I attempted to get into the lunch line, some of Lyra's friends started to moo at me. I don't want to deal with that again.

Swallowing hard, I close my locker and force myself to walk to the lab. I have a project I want to work on, but because I share the car with the Ice Queen, I can only do it during school hours.If anyone asks, that’s what I’ll tell them anyway.

It has nothing to do with the fact that I have nightmares that the entire lunchroom will start mooing when I walk in.

Looking down at the energy bar I’m clutching, I toss it into my bag, deciding I’m not really hungry. Walking quickly, I’m soon at the laboratory. Knocking, I peek into the room and see a few other students are also working on various projects. Relaxing, I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking ahead.

Lunchtime flies by, and soon, I’m putting my supplies away, content for the moment because I finished writing my findings down in my notebook to write my paper. Grabbing my bag and heading towards the door, I smile serenely at one of my classmates as I walk by.

“Woah, Cassie, you look proud of yourself,” he says with a friendly laugh as he puts his books away.

“I finished everything I needed for my project, and now I just have to write the paper,” I explain.