Grabbing my phone, I wince. “I have to go, Dad. We’ll talk later?” Grabbing my shoes, I walk quickly toward the stairs.

“I need a picture!” My dad protests as he follows.

Biting my lip, I nod once I get to the bottom of the stairs. Putting on my shoes, I hand my phone to Bella, and she takes a few photos of my dad and I smiling before I dash out the door.

Walker made sure to give me his phone number before I left school the other day, and I quickly shoot him a text as I walk to the car.

Me: I’m on my way, my dad wanted me to take a few photos with him.

I see bubbles in the text but get into the car instead of waiting to see what he has to say. Driving to the school, I park, and only then do I look at the text he left me.

Walker: Take your time, be safe. See you soon.

Smiling because it is really sweet that he is worried about me, I get out of the car with my clutch, throwing in my phone, prom ticket, and keys into the bag.

Hurrying to the school gymnasium where prom is, my feet slow as I see Lyra, her friends, and their dates chatting in their gorgeous dresses just outside of the gym. Biting my lip, I try to discreetly walk past them.

“Cassie!” Christy yells delightedly, and I wince.

Turning slowly, I face my tormentors. “Hey, I’m just trying to go into prom, just like everyone else. Can you just lay off for one night?”

Lyra walks forward, her eyes skimming over me. “You look really pretty, baby sis. It’s too bad we’re the only ones who’ll see you in this,” she murmurs almost regretfully.

Walker throws his arm around Lyra with a cruel pretty boy smirk. A sinking feeling hits me in the gut, and I press my hand to my stomach.Please, don’t let me be sick in front of these people. Please, please.

Pulling a breath as if my life depended on it, I try to make my voice strong. “I should have known better than to think you’d actually want to go with me, Walker,” I tell him, the little girl inside of me who wanted to be normal for once wilting.

Walker shrugs. “If I knew that body was underneath the huge sweaters you drown yourself in, maybe I would have. Is it too late to ask if I can fuck you? Is there something wrong with you that you haven’t hooked up with anyone all year? Oh God… are you a virgin?! Fuck, I really missed my chance to be the first to get inside that pussy, haven’t I?”

The guys around him chuckle and clap him on the back. I must be numb, because I can’t feel embarrassment and my eyes are dry.

Turning away, an arm grabs me around the waist and pushes me into the group of people. I pinwheel my arms so I don’t fall on my ass in my high heels.

“Oof,” I gasp when I run into a solid chest.

“You don’t have to throw yourself at me,” says a voice that makes my skin prickle with goosebumps.

Lyra rolls her eyes, grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Kelter. “Cassie likes to try to take things that don’t belong to her,” she says, dragging her finger down my cleavage slowly. My breath hitches, and an odd feeling of butterflies overtakes me before she grabs the dress and pulls hard.

The material makes an unsettling ripping sound, and then hands are pulling at my dress, copping a feel, or pulling my hair. I lose my mind, tired of being hurt, kicking, screaming, and even punching one of the guys in the face.

They all think it’s hysterical. “I bet she’s a real hellcat in bed,” one of the guys on the football team says, licking up my neck before pushing me away into the arms of one of Lyra’s friends.

“Lyra, she really is pretty underneath all of these clothes,” Trish teases, pinching my now exposed nipple. I fight her off, tears starting to flow. Every time I try to run, someone else pulls me into the group.

Why hasn’t a teacher stopped this? Why isn’t anyone outside monitoring for shit like this?

I wrap my arms around myself protectively, looking around for a hole to run through. I’ve lost my clutch with my keys and my phone, but maybe I can just walk home.

“Lyra, I have to know, has she ever crawled in bed with you?” Kelter laughs, starting to walk toward me again.

I can’t do this again, kneeing him in the balls like my daddy taught me as soon as he’s close enough, I finally push through everyone. I use my elbows, heels, and the flat of my hand when I can reach, but the reality is they use it as an excuse to pinch my ass or pull my hair.

“Come back if you want some dick with your foreplay, baby!” Walker yells, and I run.

Lyra’s giggle carries back to me as I escape. Once I feel as if I’m far enough, I lean against a tree by the front of the school, gasping for air. Shuddering, I can feel their hands on me still. It’s also cold, and my dress has too much ventilation now. I didn’t bring my sweater with me because I didn’t want to mess with how pretty I looked.

So much for that.