Walking inside, I smile at my dad, who is working in the living room. “Hi, Dad!” I greet as I put my stuff up and grab a snack of crackers and cheese.

Lyla glares at my plate but can’t say a word because I plant my ass next to my father. Stomping up to her room, I relax next to Dad as I eat.

“Ah, so you are eating,” Dad teases me, closing his laptop.

Shrugging, I bite into a cracker, sighing happily. “I’ve been really busy, and sometimes I’m just not hungry. I’m just, ya know, listening to my body,” I tell him.

“Mmhmm, Bella mentioned she thought you may be losing weight, but it looks like you’re healthy and beautiful. Nothing to worry about, right?” he asks, leaning back to search my face.

“Nope,” I tell him, taking a bite of cheese and ignoring the inner voices that moo at me. God, high school is so fucked up. “Things are good. I even got asked to the prom today!”

Dad grins before his eyes narrow. “Tell me everything about this guy. Can I run him through my government databases? Please,” he begs, and I toss my head back as I giggle.

“Dad! No, he seems really nice. If he tries anything, you can burn his world to the ground,” I tell him with a feral grin.

Sighing happily, he throws his arm around me. “There’s my savage baby girl,” he mutters.

“Who is savage?” Bella asks, and I hide my smile.

I have my moments, I just hide my crazy well. My father taught me self defense, but Kelter’s actions terrified me, rendering me helpless. I don’t want to think about him, so I push away memories of his cruel smirk out of my mind.

“I am,” I tell my stepmother with a wink, eating another cracker. Bella laughs as if I’m joking, and my dad just squeezes my knee before changing the subject.



The next three weeks fly by; I have a beautiful dress, I asked my stepmother to do my hair and makeup, and I’m ready to go to my high school senior prom!

Laughing at my own excitement, I stand, walking to the mirror. Bella went down to talk to my dad for a little bit, so I’m in my room alone. I chose a deep green silhouette gown with a plunging neckline and thigh high slit. Staring at myself, I can tell I’ve lost weight in my stomach and hips. I didn’t mean to skip so many meals, but there’s nothing I can do about it tonight.

I’ll turn a new leaf tomorrow.

Turning slowly, I admire how the dress hugs my curves and how pretty my red hair looks. Bella braided the top away from my face and then twisted the rest of my hair in a gorgeous bun at the nape of my neck.

My makeup is done in pretty pinks and browns, and I’m in awe at how pretty I feel. Bella asked if I wanted to try contacts out for tonight too, so I went to the eye doctor to see what I thought. My green eyes sparkle with excitement at me, bright and happy, not hidden away as they usually are.

“Holy shit, that’s me,” I breathe in awe.

A snort at my door makes me gasp, turning toward it. My dad looks amused as he stares at me. “You look beautiful, Cassie,” he murmurs, staring at me intently. “Turn for your old man, will ya?”

Snickering, I raise an eyebrow. “Like a twirl, Dad, really?”

Rolling his eyes, he grumbles, “If you et tu, Brutus me, I’m disowning you, young lady.”

“You’re so easy, Dad,” I giggle, slowly turning for him.

“Yep, gorgeous, but Bella’s right, Cassie, you’re losing weight really fast, and that worries me a little,” my father says with a frown, coming forward to hug me to soften his words.

“Dad,” I sigh, knowing he’s right.

“I know, I know. We aren’t going to talk about this tonight, but we’re gonna discuss calorie intake tomorrow and make a meal plan, okay? I need you to take care of yourself, you’re my girl,” he says, squeezing my shoulder.

Tears prick my eyes as I nod. “No tears, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I just wanted to tell you that I’m not unaware of the situation, I have eagle eyes,” he lectures, and I giggle.

“I thought you were getting rusty, Dad,” I tease him, moving away to grab a tissue and make sure I didn’t mess up my eye liner.

“God, please never say that around my subordinates, they’d never let me live it down,” he groans, and I cover my mouth to hold in my continued amusement.