“Yes,” I tell her, my breath hitching from all of the emotions from earlier. “I would love that. I also hate waiting, so why don’t you take me on that date right now?”

Dena grins. “Good, cause I have no chill either,” she tells me.

Walking together to one of the restaurants on campus, we chat about everything as we eat. It’s easy, fun, and there’s no expectations. It was great, outside of her odd fascination with her cat and the million photos she showed me.

“Oh my goodness,” Dena giggles. “So I’ve been in a Drama Club or theater my whole life, and there've been some disasters. Professor Pales really likes you though, and yes, he’s always that extra.”

“I really love it though. There’s no guessing, or worries that he’s not being honest,” I explain, shrugging.

Dena sobers as we finish our dinner, and we throw out our trash.

“It makes me really sad that people have hurt you like this,” she says as we start walking back to the dorms. “I always hung out with other drama fanatics, so people didn’t really mess with us. We were ‘creative’ or whatever, so we were left to our own devices at my schools. I wish you’d had a protective bubble for being super smart and special.”

I smile sadly, because I wish I had too.

She wraps her arm around my waist, and I give in and snuggle against her. We walk home that way, and no one gives us a second glance.


“Ihad a great time,” Dena says, leaning closer to me for a kiss outside my dorm room. I sigh and look up at her. I’m about to stop her and ask if we can just be friends, because I really like hanging out with her and I don’t want to ruin that, when Marsha comes storming down the hall toward us. She looks furious about something.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, and she shakes her head with a frown. Dena takes a step away from me and turns to our friend, concerned. I can’t help but to release a breath of relief. I mean I like Dena and she’s an awesome friend, but girlfriend? No, I don’t see it happening.

Marsha turns and falls into my arms, hysterical. I catch her and try to keep her from falling. She’s ranting into my shirt, but it’s all mumbles. “Help,” I mouth to Dena, and she bites her bottom lip, looking worried but confused.

Yeah, sister, join the club.

“Hey, Marsha, how about we go get some ice cream at the cafe?” Dena suggests, and Marsha pulls away from me, avoiding my eyes and nods. She wipes her face with her sleeve and gives me a small, shaky smile.

“Sorry, Cassie, I just really needed a hug,” she mumbles, then starts to walk away. Dena moves closer, and I stop her.

“What was that about?” I whisper, since Marsha is still within hearing distance. Dena sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.

“Marsha is one of my best friends, and I love her to death, but she was diagnosed bi-polar three years ago. She sometimes will have manic moods, or depression outbursts. Usually ice cream helps. Did you want to come too?” I shake my head and fake a yawn.

“I’m beat, but you guys go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say, then give her a quick hug and open my door. Lyra left it unlocked and that worries me. Doesn’t she know there is someone around here taking college girls? Dena gives me a wave, then takes off to catch up with Marsha.

I enter our dorm, then shut the door and thump my forehead against the hard wood. “So, I take it the date wasn’t what you expected?” Lyra asks from her desk, and I groan.

“Am I going to get the mean version of Lyra, or the nice one I’ve been blessed with lately?” I can’t help but snark. She laughs, but it’s kind of sad.

“I really was a huge bitch to you. I don’t think I ever really apologized. But I’m trying to be a new person. This is college, it's time for all the high school bullshit to be done with. I saw her go in for a kiss, so I knew Drama Club turned into more. It was only a matter of time. If you’d like to talk, I’ll listen, and hey, I even have some lemonade. We can make some vodka drinks and chat.” I sigh and nod.

“Yeah, I could use a drink. I just had a really weird moment with Marsha,” I say, spinning to face her. She’s sitting on her bed in the tiniest little shorts I have ever seen, giving me a show of way too much leg, and a top that’s so thin, it looks sheer. I try to keep my gaze on her eyes, and her brows are furrowed in concentration.

I clear my throat, then move over to the closet so I can change into something comfortable.

“I like Dena as a friend, but all she wanted to talk about was her cat back home and how much she misses her. Don’t get me wrong, that's not awful, but for a date, it seemed weird. I think we’re better off friends.”

I can feel Lyra’s presence behind me as she grabs some cups from the closet. “Maybe she was just nervous. It can’t be easy asking a girl out,” she mumbles, then moves to the small fridge we have and starts to make us some drinks.

“You’re right. I’ve always been asked, but the possibility of disappointment is always scary,” I agree, stripping off my shirt and bra for an off the shoulder shirt that’ll work for hanging out.

Lyra gasps softly, and I look over my shoulder as I push off my jeans and step out of my shoes. This is the moment of truth… does she think I look gross naked?

Lyra stares for a moment, eyes heating before she forces herself to sit on the bed with our drinks.

Interesting, I’m not the only one affected.