Lyra looks up and frowns when she sees how close Marsha and I are. I really need to tell her I’m more comfortable with women than men now, because I don’t want her to say anything mean.

Smiling at Marsha, I break away to sit on a bean bag to begin some homework.

We order food and spend the time studying, eating, and laughing. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do this because of the bullying I experienced. Even in Ft. Lauderdale, I was pretty closed off as I struggled to heal.

Finally, at ten, I call it. I’m starting to nod off, and I’m exhausted.

“That’s it for me,” I tell them with a yawn. “I have one night class tomorrow, so I’ll finish this off during the day at the library. I also think I want to check out the Student Center and see if there’s any clubs I may be interested in.”

Dena squeals, and I glance her way as I’m packing up.

“The Drama Club! We’re planning a play now, and you’re so pretty. Do you have any acting experience?” she asks, wide-eyed.

I laugh, shaking my head. “I don’t have much experience in anything outside of school, honestly.”

Lyra leans forward, thinking. “I do gymnastics, and we have a blast. Have you thought about doing something like that?”

I shake my head again, thinking how ridiculous that sounds. “Lyra, I am sooo not flexible. I think that sounds like an accident waiting to happen.”

Lyra shrugs and leans back with a small, private smile, and I wonder what she’s thinking.

“Oh, babe, I’m sure you’re plenty flexible under the right circumstances,” Marsha teases, and I flush. I will never get used to how forward she is!

“Just come and see what you think,” Dena says, as she plays with her hair. “I make all of the props and help sew the clothing. I’ve been doing drama club for as long as I can remember.”

“Okay,” I breathe out. I need to try new things. “When do you all meet?”

“Our next meet up is Thursday at five in the afternoon… Do you have classes?” Dena asks.

Thinking, I realize I’m available. “No, I’m free. You know I’m always lost here, walk with me?”

Dena agrees, and I trudge off to change, brush my teeth, and go to bed.

* * *

I’m walkinghome in a pretty dress, and it reminds me of my prom dress. There’s rips all in it, but I don’t remember why. Wrapping my arms around myself to cover my breasts, I look over my shoulder and see a party raging on.

I’ll never be invited to something like that. I’m not good enough. My body is thick, curvy, and I can vaguely remember the sound, “Mooo!” being screamed at me.

Swiping away a stray tear, I walk by a giant shrub. I freaking hate these… they have always given me the heebie jeebies.

An arm reaches out and pulls me through the branches, uncaring if they scrape and scratch my skin. I gasp a breath to scream, call for help, but I can’t.

“Now that I know exactly what you have underneath your clothes, I need to test drive it for myself,” a voice chuckles that I instantly know. Kelter.

Handstouch me where they haven’t been given permission, no matter how much I twist, fight, and squirm.

There’s sounds of teens laughing and drinking, and no one cares that my innocence is being stolen from me…

“Cassie!” Lyra gasps, shaking me awake.

There’s tears streaming down my cheeks as I sob.

“Why, why would he hurt me?” I cry out, holding my stomach tightly.

“Shh,” she whispers as she gets in bed with me and holds me. “It’s just a nightmare. You’re safe. I have you, and you’re fine. I’ll stay with you until you go back to sleep, okay?”

I nod, unable to talk, and Lyra runs her fingers through my hair. It feels as if she’s done this before, but she couldn’t possibly have. She’s always hated me, and the only reason she’s being kind now is she must feel sorry that I’m such a baby, and I’m having a nightmare.