I don’t know if I could live through another round of bullying.


Lyra is acting really strange. She’s been pleasant and even asked to borrow one of my tops. I’d say we’re turning into real sisters, but the way my eyes keep drifting to her ass, that thought turns my stomach.

“I’ll see you later? I think Dena and Marsha mentioned ordering in Greek food while we work on homework tonight,” Lyra says, pushing her fishtail braid over her shoulder.

She’s in a burgundy dress with cute cowboy boots today and looks really pretty. It always looks effortless. You’d think she’d spent a million years in the bathroom, but she really doesn’t.

Lyra’s typically ready in twenty minutes, like this morning.

Forcing myself to answer as she stares at me as if she’s worried I swallowed my tongue, I nod. “Yeah…That sounds good. I’ll see you tonight.”

Lyra gives me a blinding smile and rushes out the door. Blowing out a breath, I throw myself onto my bed.

I am not crushing on my step-sister. Absolutely not.

Sitting up, I brush my hair back.

“Time for class,” I mutter, grabbing my backpack. This is my third day of classes, and I still get lost on this campus.

Rolling my eyes, I force myself to walk out the door.

Today I’m wearing a cute skirt, tank top, and comfortable sandals that are also cute. Because I joined so late in the semester, I have a mountain of work to catch up with and the classes are all miles apart from each other.

Okay, I’m being dramatic, but this is what my feet think at the end of the day.

Hustling across campus, I manage to only get lost once before I find the right room. Breathing hard, I open the door that’s heavy as shit, looking for an empty desk. I’m not late, but I feel like I am as I stare at a sea of faces in front of me. It’s stadium seating, and God, is it intimidating.

Climbing the stairs, I slide into the first open seat toward the outside that I find.

“Cutting it a little close, huh?” whispers the girl next to me.

Sighing, I nod as I grab my laptop. I’m so glad I can use my keyboard to type my notes, because my handwriting is awful after an hour and a half of writing. “I transferred in three days ago, and frankly, I keep getting lost,” I confess.

She giggles, shaking her head. “This place is a maze! I’m Hazel,” she introduces herself. “I applaud you on making it then.”

Relaxing, I smile. “I’m Cassie, and thank you for that.”

My professor walks in for my Literary Heroes Throughout the Ages class, and I’m excited. This is a junior level class, but I was able to get special permission to take it. I take notes as we discuss what’s expected, when tests and papers are due, and dive into lecture for the last part of the class about what makes a hero.

My head is spinning by the end, but in a good way. I like to be challenged academically, or I’m easily bored. It’s the reason I’ve always been in all honors, dual enrollment, or college classes. I need those things to keep me engaged.

Walking out of class, I think back on all of the snarky comments Lyra used to say to me about being a know it all. If she only knew it’s really because my brain won’t let me slow down.

The rest of my day moves quickly, and I wonder if I should join any of the clubs on campus. I finally have a clean slate, no one is here that makes me feel ostracized or out of place. Maybe I should check out the student center and see if anything is open that I’ll enjoy.

My legs are tired by the time I get back to the dorms.Does this count as my exercise?Maybe I need to start going to the gym before classes so I don’t have an excuse to miss it by the end of the day.

I want to continue the healthy habits that I’ve learned and not fall into an inactive lifestyle.

“You’re home!” Marsha exclaims with a smile as I walk off the elevator. “We were just about to order food. Did you get lost again today?”

I smile sheepishly because it’s a running joke now. “Yeah, a couple of times, but I found my way. I may go to bed early tonight though, my head feels so full,” I groan.

“Welcome to college life,” Marsha says as she throws her arm around my waist, directing me to her room where we’re working on homework tonight. “You’ll probably feel like this a lot,” she laughs.

Lyra is sprawled out on the couch reading, while Dena is looking over the menu.