I can’t find Marsha anywhere as I check her room, the study lounge, and her friend’s dorm. Groaning, I walk back to my room. Opening the door, my mouth drops open in shock.



Istill don’t know what to say. Cassie stands there sucking on a lollipop, but she doesn't look like my step-sister. She looks like some supermodel, and my brain is not connecting. I blink again, and she rolls her eyes, then turns and sits on the other bed, across from mine.

“So, yeah. I’ve lost some weight, and the ladies I stayed with taught me how to do my makeup,” she says quietly, looking at me with her piercing green eyes, lined with kohl. God, I always thought if she just dressed like a normal teenager and did her makeup she would be pretty, but I never foresaw this.

I clear my throat and drop my purse on my bed, then spin to find out where the fuck she’s been for five months. “What are you doing here? In Texas of all places?” I ask, and she ducks her head a little before pushing some of her now straightened red hair behind her ear.

“I’m starting college. I’m a little late in the school year, but I kept up online, so I’m hoping it won’t take long to get used to my classes.”

“Wait, you’ve been planning on coming here all along? What about Dartmouth?” I am so confused. Why didn’t my mom or Mark say anything? This is not adding up.

“After I left Ft. Lauderdale, my dad thought it would be best to come back here where you were. I don’t think he expected to get extended orders to Germany. I told him over and over again that I’m better now and I could handle going to college without a babysitter, but you know how he is.”

I sit on the bed and run my fingers over my side braid. I’m pissed that I was kept in the dark about all this, but I have a feeling my mom knew I would just argue with her.

“Why did you never call, or come back home? I mean I get it, things went to shit and I was a total bitch to you, but Cassie, you just dropped off the face of the planet. Right before graduation, which isn’t like you at all.”

She laughs, and I watch as she leans back on her bed and crosses her legs. I can’t get over that she’s in a pair of skinny jeans and heels. I have never been interested in girls, but I can admit my step-sister is hot now. The cow is nowhere to be seen.

“I guess I should thank you, Lyra. I think your display on prom night might have actually saved my life. I had to get away before I tried to do something crazy and hurt myself or worse,” she continues talking, but all I can think about is that’s exactly what she did, and I might throw up from the memories.

“So yeah, I started going to the gym and not skipping meals. I got my hair relaxed to get rid of the insane frizz, and I went shopping somewhere not plus-sized. It was a huge change, and I’m still trying to remember it’s my reflection in the mirror, but I feel good, and I’m ready to get my life back on track.”

I nod, then stand and grab my bag. I need to get out of here and think. I thought I had moved on from what Kelter did, but I was wrong, and I’m about to confess everything. Someone knocks on the door, and I use the excuse of answering to leave, or at least I try.

Marsha is on the other side in the hall, and she gives me a frown. “Why are you not in your PJs? Did you forget about the mandatory slumber party down in the common room? Who is this?” she says, peeking over my shoulder at Cassie before shoving me out of the way.

“Well hello, beautiful, I’m Marsha your dorm RA, and I am pleasantly surprised that Lyra has been hiding you away from me.” Cassie stands and shakes Marsha’s hand, and I note that her cheeks are flushed.

Marsha is a huge flirt and has made it known that she’s bisexual. I couldn’t care less, it’s college after all, but I don’t like that she’s hitting on Cassie. I almost feel protective, or territorial, but that’s ridiculous. Is it because of Kelter? Or something more?

“Hi, I’m Lyra’s step-sister and roommate, Cassie. I love your curls… I’ve never been able to get mine to sit right,” Cassie says, touching her straight hair.

“Hmmm, I have to say a shit load of hair products are responsible for this,” Marsha says with a smirk, grabbing Cassie’s arm. “Ditch the heels, put on a little less, and come join us at the slumber party. Welcome to the floor!”

Yeah, I officially hate this bitch.


I knew coming back to Texas would be weird and then finding out the only dorm room available was with Lyra, I was about to return back to Florida and continue this semester online, but that would just put me four steps back from the progress I’ve been making. And I have worked hard.

I never expected breaking down with my dad and asking for help would have led to an anorexia clinic in Florida for a month, then four more months with my aunt, healing and recovering, but I think it’s the best thing that has ever happened.

I found myself. The real Cassie, not the shell that hid from her deepest and darkest truths. I really expanded my horizons, and I even went out with a girl. I never saw myself going that route, but men just turn me off lately. I feel jittery around them, and I’m not sure why. I’ve tried, but my last date with a man was disastrous.

So standing here in a dorm room with Lyra that we will have to share is not only making me anxious, but I’m now looking at my step-sister in a new light. She doesn’t seem so high-strung here. She’s more relaxed and actually wearing leggings which is making me feel like I’ve stepped into an alternate universe, and when she stands to open the door, I find myself checking out her ass.

This is just weird. A bouncy, energetic, pretty brunette with the bluest eyes I have ever seen strides into the room, pushing Lyra away, and introduces herself to me. She’s blatantly checking me out, and I’m still not used to so much attention. Lyra was the one people always complimented, and the way she’s pouting right now, I don’t think she likes being ignored.

“So wait, you’re Lyra’s new roommate?” Marsha asks, and I nod. She frowns and glares at my step-sister. “Lucky,” she grumbles under her breath, then gently grabs my arm. “Ditch the heels, put on a little less, and come join us at the slumber party. Welcome to the floor!”

I try to protest, but Lyra announces for the both of us that we’ll be there. Marsha gives me a flirty smile, then releases me and blows us air kisses as she leaves. I turn to dig out some PJs from my suitcase, and Lyra moves closer to me. I pause and just stand there, waiting for some nasty remark or dig, but all she does is touch my hair.

“I like what you did, but I think I’m going to miss the curls,” she mumbles before stepping back and going into the closet. I take a deep breath and smile. I think this is the first time Lyra has ever complimented me.