Slipping into a seat, I smile politely at the person next to me. I’m trying to stay focused, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. He smirks back, pulling out his laptop for notes.

I’ve never liked taking notes on my laptop and would rather retype them later, as it helps me retain the information better.

Grabbing my notebook and dropping it on the desk, I hear a chuckle. Glancing over from under my lashes, I see the guy gesture to my notebook.

“A little old school, don’t you think?” he asks.

Gritting my teeth, I shake my head. “I process information better if I write it down first. Then, later I type it out, and it helps me reinforce what I’ve learned. It may seem redundant—” I start to say.

“No, no it doesn’t, I’m being a dick,” he says, looking repentant. “Let’s try this again. I’m Trenton.”

Trenton holds out his hand, and I decide to shake it. No one caught bad manners from a hand shake. Despite having a tendency to insert his foot into his mouth, he is cute with black curls and gray eyes. I wonder what his parents were thinking when they named him, because he doesn’t look like a Trenton to me.

The professor walks in, and I turn to face him. He begins class, and he’s smart and funny. I think I’m going to enjoy this class, even though the coursework is rigorous.

Finishing up, I pack my bag up and stand. Trenton slings his backpack over his shoulder and asks, “What building are you in next?”

I tell him I have math next, and he smiles. “I’m right next to that building, can I walk you? Otherwise I’ll just walk behind you and stare at your ass. Please save me from the embarrassment of you catching me,” he says unabashedly.

Blinking, I press my lips together. I have no doubts he really would stare at my ass as he walked to class. “Of course I need to save you from this, though I have to say, it’s a really nice ass,” I tell him, starting to leave the room.

We flirt as we walk, and it’s just easy and fun. As we get to my building, he rubs the back of his neck. “Thanks for being my walking buddy. Would you be interested in hanging out later? We could grab pizza and talk about which professors are going to give us heartburn.”

Trenton is sweet, and I haven’t gone out with anyone in a long time. If it doesn’t work out, maybe we can be friends.

“Yeah, I can do that. I have a long day of classes though, so is six okay?” I ask.

“That’ll work. I only have one more class, and then I’m going for a run,” he says, pulling out his phone. We exchange numbers, and then I walk inside.

Classes fly by, and I find out I’m not ready to date yet. Trenton is really nice, but there’s no spark. He didn’t even try for a kiss because he could feel I wasn’t into it.

We did agree to continue to be walking buddies though, and I need to start running again so I’ll go with him in the mornings, that way I’ll be ready for tryouts.

* * *

This has beenthe longest day ever. It’s Monday, and I had classes and then gymnastics right after. I chose to not accept when I tried out for the cheer team and was picked. The girls were very catty, fat shamed under their breath, and I’m trying to be a better person here.

The captain of the cheer team reminded me of how I treated Cassie, and I struggled to stay till the end. I wanted to walk out so badly.

When emails went out stating I had gotten in, I politely declined and stated that it was because I had chosen to take extra classes. I lied, but it was the only way I could nicely get out of it.

Instead, I checked the clubs on campus and found a gymnastics club that meets three times a week. I went, thinking it may be a fun alternative to cheer. I won’t be in the limelight, but that’s okay. I really just wanted to stay in shape and enjoy myself.

An added benefit I found out when I arrived, is that some of my friends from cheer are in the club too. They noticed the cheer captain was a bit of a twatwaffle, and all chose not to bother trying out.

Needless to say, after an entire day of classes and then gymnastics, I’m tired. I need a shower, but frown when I walk into my room and there’s another bed where there wasn’t one before. My things have been pushed over, and I can thank the stars that I hadn’t bought the couch I was thinking about.

There’s also a bunch of bags and boxes tossed haphazardly on the floor next to it.

Deciding this has to be a mistake, I take a quick shower and then go to find my RA, Marsha. She has to know what’s going on. I run into my suite mate in my rush and smile tightly at her.

“Woah, where’s the fire?” Lorie asks.

I turn around as I slow my walk a little so I won’t run into anyone else. “No fire, but I need to find Marsha because I think there’s a mistake in my room. I’ll swing by later to explain?”

Lorie shrugs. “Yeah, want to watch a movie? We’ve both been super busy lately, and we haven’t had a chance to just chill.”

“God, that actually sounds amazing. As long as nothing insane happens, I’m in,” I tell her, because I don’t know how long this roommate fiasco is going to last.