Kelter laughs as he walks out of the room. “I’m glad I’ll be haunting her in her dreams, even if she never remembers,” he says, shaking the bottle of pills and making a cold sweat appear on my body.

“No, no, go back to sleep,” I whisper, as we finish cleaning her with wipes, and she begins to stir. We made sure to wipe her down with baby wipes after we used the bleach wipes on her thighs because I remember her saying once that she had really sensitive skin.

Dressing her quickly in warm pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt and socks, we also wrap the blanket around her.

Grabbing her arms while still in a wet bra and panties, I jerk my head to her legs. Trish and Christy help me get her to bed, even though we knocked her body into the door once.

One more bruise won’t matter, will it?

Making sure she’s covered in blankets, I start to leave when Cassie begins to open her eyes. Thinking quickly, I force a smile. “Back to sleep, drunkie. You shouldn’t drink so much if you’re not used to it,” I say softly.

Cassie moans, “Never drinking again,” and turns to go back to sleep.

Sighing, I gesture to Trish and Christy that we should leave. Closing her door as we walk out, I look at them. “We'll never talk about this again,” I say softly. Trish and Christy dash their tears away and nod. “Will someone make sure that asshole is actually gone? I want a shower, to put on sweats, and go to bed. I want to forget this whole damn day.”

“I’ll go. If he’s still here, I’ll kick his ass,” Christy sniffles.

“I’ll go with you. The pizza should be here soon, if it’s not been dropped on the porch. I’ll put it away… I’m not so hungry anymore,” Trish whispers.

I leave them to it, walking to my room. I can’t believe how fucked up today went. All I wanted was to teach her a lesson.

After I’m changed, I find myself drawn to Cassie’s room. She’s still passed out, but I need to make sure she’s okay. She didn’t deserve this. I pull back the covers and slide in next to her. Cassie mumbles something, but I shush her and start to run my fingers through her hair like my mom used to do for me. She sighs and settles back down.

I stay with her all night, not daring to close my eyes. Call it guilt, or fear that she may relapse, but my body refuses to leave hers until dawn peeks through her curtains. I sneak back into my room and climb into my bed. My phone buzzes, and I reach to check it.

Kelter: Remember, babe, keep those pretty lips shut or what I did to Cassie will look like child’s play.

My hands shake, and I drop my phone to the bed. Burying my face into my pillow, I sob and pray that one day Cassie will forgive me. Even if she never remembers, I will make this up to her.


Itoss my phone on the bed and fluff my hair. I can't believe graduation is in two days. This year has flown by. I am so excited for the big party tonight. We won't have too many more times to hang out before it all ends, and I could use a night out.

Even though I moved here just before my senior year of high school, I can honestly say I had the best year. It was a huge adjustment to go from Texas to upstate New York, where it could snow at the drop of a hat. We have been snowed in three times this year, but because Mark is so prepared, he had the generator ready to go and was able to clear our driveway and steps quickly and salted them.

I’ve decided Mark isn’t so bad.

Checking my makeup one last time, I decide it’s time to head out to the party. Walking out of my room, I listen for Cassie, thinking briefly about inviting her. We still aren’t close, and I feel guilty about prom night.

Cassie is practically a ghost as she goes from class and then back home. There’s no spark, no anger, no excitement. She doesn’t seem to remember anything about that night, but I’m worried about her. I’m not as self-involved as my parents think I am, and I’ve noticed the looks Mom and Mark give each other when they think I’m not looking.

Biting my lip, I look into her room and see her bed is perfectly made, but there are items missing from her desk and nightstand.

Where is she?

Walking carefully down the stairs because I have fallen down these one too many times, I decide to go find Mark and ask where Cassie is. My hands shake, and I don’t know why.

The worst thing he can say is that it’s none of my business, so why am I so nervous?

Smoothing my sweating palms on my pretty burgundy dress, I search him out. Finding him finally on the back porch, I join him.

“Hey, Mark?” I say softly. He’s staring out into the backyard absently. Mom gardens, and it’s a sea of pinks, purple, and yellow flowers. It’s calming to sit out here.

Mark turns towards me, and I startle as I see how sad his eyes are. There’s this deep grief in his light green gaze that pulls at me. They remind me of the color of spring, and as such, they should be happier than they are now. My hands tremble as I look back, and neither one of us says a word for a full minute.

“Come sit a spell, Lyra, unless you were on your way out?” Mark asks before his eyes return to the kaleidoscope of colors in the garden.

I was on my way out, but my feet have a mind of their own as I move to sit next to him on the porch swing.