“In Cassie’s room!” Trish yells without a second thought. I glare at her because the less people who see her like this, the easier it will be to cover it up.

Cassie goes even paler than she was before, shaking. “Please, please, not him,” she whispers.

I frown as I watch her, confused. I know he fucks with her a little, but she shouldn’t be terrified.

Kelter walks in and stops, surprised. “Did you two finally decide to get it on? Can I join?”

Cassie faints, and I gasp, catching her around the waist before she hits the ground. “What the fuck, Kelter. She took some pills, and we think tried to kill herself, and Trish found her. Did something happen after we messed with her at school?”

Christy murmurs, “Lyra, we should work on getting her changed and warm, or we’re gonna have to call an ambulance.”

That’s the last thing I want, so I nod at her, knowing she’ll grab her clothes. Christy pushes past Kelter, and I sink to the floor with Cassie in my arms.

Staring at him, Kelter shifts his weight uneasily. “Come on, babe, you told me to fuck with her, and she’s got amazing tits,” he groans, adjusting his cock that’s starting to harden through the thin pants he’s wearing. He’s changed out of his suit.

Oh shit. No, no, no…

“Trish, will you help me get this dress off, please?” I ask, clearing the lump developing in my throat.

I don’t want to believe that he’d force himself on her. Ignoring his gaze, I work to get the now destroyed dress off of Cassie. Laying her on the floor, I examine her body quickly. There are scratches all over her face and body that I didn’t pay attention to earlier because I was trying to get her to throw up the pills.

“Are those your pills on the floor, Kelter?” I ask, refusing to look at him as my horror grows.

Cassie isn’t wearing underwear, and I don’t think she’s the type to go commando. There’s a handprint beginning to bruise on her stomach, hips, and breasts. And worst of all… there’s a dried white substance on her thighs.

“I mean… they’re mine, yeah,” Kelter says, answering the question I asked. “It started getting a little hot at school, and you said I should stop dealing for a bit.”

“But why are they in Cassie’s bathroom?” Christy asks, pushing past him with clothing.

Biting my lip, I point to the cum dried on my step-sister’s thighs. “Is this your cum too? Did you fuck my step-sister without a condom? Are you fucking stupid?” I scream.

My best friends look down at Cassie and gasp. Christy shudders, gagging as she sees the bruises. “Babe, those aren’t the marks of someone who enjoyed or wanted to have sex,” she says softly.

I look back down, and my heartbeat begins to roar in my ears. I can’t get enough air, and I shake my head. “You raped her!” I scream. “I told you to fuck with her, but not this. Why would you do this?!”

Kelter smirks, shrugging. “Because I could. She screamed really pretty for me. You were so busy drinking and having a good time, you didn’t realize she walked right past the Turners’ house on the way home. I was drinking a beer on the porch and saw my opportunity. Ten out of ten grade pussy. It probably would be easier if she had killed herself,” he tells me.

“Shame you have to cover this shit up with me. Your parents will kill you if they find out you condoned all of this.”

Realizing he’s right, I close my eyes. “Will you grab the bleach wipes for me under the counter, Trish?” I ask, going into fix it mode.

Bleach will be really harsh on her skin, but I need to destroy his DNA on her thighs at least.

“Lyra,” Trish whispers in horror, and I shake my head as tears start to well in my eyes.

“Just do it,” I insist. “I just need them for her thighs. Christy, I would go, the pizza will be here soon, but I need to make sure this is done before she wakes up. Can you grab the baby wipes I keep in my bathroom too?”

Christy nods shakily but gets up and walks out without saying anything.

Looking up at Kelter as he picks up his pills, I do what I have to. “I’ll clean this up for you because I have to. But we’re done, do you understand? Lose my number, don’t speak to me or Cassie ever again,” I insist, my voice thready with tears. “I don’t know how much she’ll remember, but I will do my part. We’re going to clean her up, put her to bed, and see what she recalls tomorrow. Hopefully she believes it’s all a bad dream.”

There’s so many bruises though… fuck, how is this going to work?

Christy comes back with wipes and a warm blanket because Cassie is still shivering. Working quickly, we clean her up, the three of us crying. Kelter bites his lip, slowly walking backward away from us.

“Well, it was a great run, babe. Glad I got that sister pussy before you broke up with me,” he says, waving as he turns to leave.

“Get the fuck out of my house, you fucking rapist!” I scream, gasping as I cry harder. Cassie moans Kelter’s name as she sleeps, and I look down in horror.