The neat freak in me won’t allow myself to drop them by the front door. I toss them in my closet where I’ll probably throw out the dress, shoes, and everything that reminds me about tonight. I groan at the headache I’m starting to feel and the pain from being ripped to shreds.

Opening the medicine cabinet, my fingers stall when I see pain medication there. I don’t know how they got here, but as I pick them up, I feel lightheaded and fall to the floor.

No one cared when the school royalty moo’d at me and taunted me.

No one cared when they pulled at my dress, groped me, and passed me around.

No one cared when Kelter snuck into my room and hurt me.

My own step-sister gave him the go ahead to fuck with me.

And so… no one cared when he finally did, with a party raging all around me.

Cassie… why are you even here?

Opening the bottle, I shake twelve pills out of it and stare at them. On trembling legs, I push myself up to standing, filling a glass that’s by the sink and swallowing them all.

It’s like the universe agrees with me.I’m tired of fighting the world.

Sliding down on my back onto the cold tile again, I let my eyes close.

If no one wants to fight for me, then I’m done, too.


“Ugh, I can’t believe he ditched me tonight!” I groan, almost toppling over the porch railing.

Oops, I may have overdone it.

Christy grabs my arm with a giggle, pulling me upright.

“Kelter is kind of a sleaze, babe. He keeps looking at your step-sister in a weird way. You may need to talk to him about it, unless you’re okay with him sticking his dick in her too,” she says with a shrug.

Christy isn’t the nicest person, but she always gives it to me straight and is always willing to help me put people in their place.

Like Cassie.

I don’t feel bad for what we did after I found her with my boyfriend. If you play with fire, you’re gonna get hurt.

The girls and I decided to come to my house to hang out and crash for the night because Mark and my mom are staying in the city. It’s cute that they have date nights, and I kind of want that when I’m old and married.


Kelter isn’t that person, but he’s gorgeous, fucks hard, and makes me come so much I passed out once. I wasn’t even all that upset to find he was gone when I woke up.

My relationship with Kelter is about being young, popular, and enjoying it. There’s nothing deeper than that, but that doesn’t mean I’m okay with him cheating on me with Cassie.

Deciding I’ll talk to him tomorrow about it, I let myself into the house. Sometimes Kelter likes to surprise me in the middle of the night, so I leave the door unlocked as I close it. Cassie left her clutch in the parking lot when she ran, and I was the best big sister, picking it up and tossing it in the limo. Dropping it by the front door for her to find later, Christy, Trish, and I walk through the house to the kitchen to grab snacks.

“Do you think there’s any pizza places open,” Trish sighs as she sits down. “I could seriously go for something greasy. I’ll go back to eating like normal tomorrow.”

Shrugging, I grab a pizza menu and toss it toward her. “Today is special, graduation is in less than a month, eat whatever you want,” I laugh.

Christy snickers as she thinks of something, and I raise my brow. “Cassie Moo has been dropping weight, did she develop an eating disorder or something? I’d develop a complex too with those thick thighs and hips that could take someone out!”

I nod, and a twinge of guilt hits me. I’ve been really hard on Cassie, but she really needs to learn to keep her head down. All I hear from our parents is how accomplished she is, and that she’s been accepted to four schools. She’s going to Dartmouth next year on a full scholarship… you’d think the girl would slow down and live a little, but she lives in her books lately.

I haven’t even seen her in the attic library. I know she carries around her kindle everywhere, but Cassie used to read up there as a reward when she finished her schoolwork.