Based on how my bangs hang in my face, my pretty braided bun is completely fucked. Even though it just happened, my mind replays the hatred and mocking on everyone’s faces. The idea that I would ever be interested sexually in my step-sister after this makes my stomach pitch, and I gag on bile. I didn’t eat today because I was so excited, and now I’m grateful because I don’t have to deal with puke on top of everything else.

Spitting to rid myself of the sour taste in my mouth as my throat burns from the reflux, I force myself to start walking. It’s a long walk, and I don’t know how I’m going to explain my appearance to my father.

God, Bella. I really don’t want to have to look her in the eyes and tell my stepmother that her daughter is the evil spawn of Satan. I don’t know much about Bella’s ex-husband, but something tells me this wouldn’t be welcome.

I am clearly spiraling, and I pinch my inner arm to get myself to focus. I walk for what feels like forever but couldn’t have been longer than an hour. Cars have passed by me, honking and catcalling, but no one offers to help me. I hide the worst of my torn dress by wrapping my arms under my chest, so it looks like I had a wild night drinking, as I’m sure my mascara is smeared all to hell from crying too.

I guess prom is over now.

No one ever stays long. It’s the after parties that matter.

Sighing, I push my hair out of my face where it lays gnarled and knotted, partially pulled from the multitude of pins Bella used.

Looking around, I realize there are more houses around me. There’s a party raging at the house I’m walking past, and high schoolers laugh and make out. Rolling my eyes, I know I won’t be asking anyone there to give me a ride. I’ve got to be a twenty minute walk from my house, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I’m finally getting closer, even though I’m seriously considering taking off my heels.

I just want to get home and put this day behind me.

Approaching a huge group of bushes as I pass the house party, I bite my lip. I don’t know why, but greenery at night like this freaks me out. I always feel like something bad will happen to me.

I have very little time to react, when my worst nightmare comes true. A muscled arm grabs me, pulling me through the bushes, scratching my exposed arms, chest, and face as I inhale to scream.

A hand clamps on my mouth, followed by a knife at my throat. Whimpering, I can’t breathe.Why today of all days?! Why do you hate me so much, God?

“Now that I know exactly what you have underneath your clothes, I need to test drive it for myself,” a voice chuckles that I instantly know. Kelter.

I can hear people laughing not far away from me as the party rages on, but I’m terrified as his hand pushes the torn fabric of my dress aside, exposing my breasts. I try to push him away, but he’s too strong as he pulls me closer to his chest, growling in my ear.

“No one cares about you out there, little girl,” he whispers. “Everyone is drinking, and your sister is busy getting wasted. You can either give me what I want, or I’ll slit your throat and leave you to die. Your life may be shit, but at least you’ll live if you let me fuck you.”

Kelter throws me on the ground, following me down, choking me with his huge hand, so I can’t make a sound. My ass is exposed to the air, and he grabs it so hard, I know there will be bruises. Yanking my thong, he rips it off before he releases his cock. The only reason I know is because he thumps it on my ass as he pumps it. I can feel his hand as it brushes me each time, and I whimper.

“Shhh, you’re so lucky, you’re getting the pleasure of my cock. Maybe you won’t be such a cold fish in bed like your sister. I like it when they fight me,” Kelter says before he shoves his dick inside of me.

It burns. It hurts as Kelter forces and thrusts himself deeper. I try to get away now that there’s not a knife on me, but he squeezes my throat harder as his breath sharpens. My eyesight darkens, and I beg the powers that be to let me pass out.

Kelter fucks like a wild beast, and my eyes water as he stretches me without any lubrication. I’ll feel him for days afterwards and have to relive this night every time I move. All I want to do is forget what’s happening tonight.

That’s never going to happen.

Soon he groans as he comes inside of me, and as I feel the wetness, I realize he didn’t use a condom. Oh my God, I want to die. I haven’t been on birth control because there’s no reason to be. Plus who knows what kind of STDs he has.

It’s as if my hearing has narrowed to just him and I, and I live in a bubble where all I can hear is his harsh breathing in my ear.

“You’ll never be safe now that I’ve fucked you. Your pussy will be imprinted on my dick from tonight on, and I’ll crave you again soon. You’ll never be able to get away,” Kelter says as he stands, fixing his pants.

Gasping for breath, I look up as he zips his pants and pockets his knife. There are bushes all around us, so all people can see is maybe his head.

“Don’t tell anyone, or I’ll say you begged for it. Lyra thinks you’re a little slut anyway, and I’ll tell her you hopped on my dick when I was half passed out after drinking tonight. Face it, babe,” he smirks as he starts to walk away, “all of your options are shitty ones. Thanks for the tight pussy.”

I sit up and the bubble pops as he leaves, and the sounds of partying return. I just lived through Kelter raping me, and no one cares. I stare blankly as I think about how no one would have probably even bothered to help me if they saw or heard, brushing away the tears.

Crawling on my hands and knees, I crawl through the bushes so no one will see me. My clothes are a mess, I have cum leaking out of me and twigs in my hair. This is the night that’ll never end.

I don’t know how to feel as I walk home, avoiding the one person’s stares when I see her. She opens her mouth in shock, but I break into a run. My ankle threatens to roll in these damned heels, but I don’t stop. I don’t have a key to get into the house, but Bella hides a spare in the plant by the front door.

My father hates that she does that because it affects the security of the house, but tonight, I’m grateful.

I let myself in, and the house is completely quiet. Dad and Bella went out, taking advantage that their daughters wouldn’t be home. They are staying at a hotel in the city. It’s nice that they were able to have a date night, but I’m mostly glad I won’t have to answer questions. Pulling these stupid torture devices off my feet, I let them dangle on my numb fingers as I walk upstairs.