He gives me a long, moody look and then nods. “The possibility of falling in love with a mortal is zero percent.”


Holding my head high, I stare at him, right into his ethereal blue eyes. “Well then, you have nothing to lose, do you?”

I do, though. If there’s a silver lining in losing, it’s that I get a boyfriend for one full week before I die. In that case, I’m going to make every moment count. This Grim Reaper is going to regret ever setting foot in my store.

Grimm says nothing, which I take as his acceptance.

“Great! It’s settled then. One week of dates, and if I win I get to live a long, healthy life.” I nod my head firmly, hope settling into my heart. “What should we do first? Maybe a movie, or some holiday shopping. We could get some stockings and fill—”

His nostrils flare, and a blasé expression crosses his handsome face. How can a Grim Reaper be so hot while looking like he wants to shred my soul to pieces?

Maybe that’s how he gets people to succumb willingly to their fate. An image of his arms wide and welcoming crosses my mind. I step into them, devoid of fear, and palm his chest, marveling at the feel of hard, sculpted pecs and, as I run my hands downward, tight, ripped abs. His full lips smile lustfully as I explore his middle and go lower… lower.

“Human, you did not listen to me.”

The bite in his tone pulls me back. “What?”

“You may have forced me into this… deal, but you are only putting off the inevitable. I suggest you spend this week getting your affairs in order—” He stops talking, and then stares at me intently. “What are you thinking that causes your cheeks to turn red?”

Nothing… nothing at all.

Pushing away from the wall, I ignore his suggestion and snag his wrist. “Nothing. Let’s get out of this alley.”

He disappears.

Poof, right into thin air.

Stunned, I glance around, but there’s no sign of him. Really? Just like that? It was that easy? Relief floods my entire body.

“Oh, thank goodness! He got tired of me and left,” I mumble, surprised that I’m off the hook so easily.

Laughing a little at my luck, I hurry out of the alley and back to my soap shop. A brush with death and I made it out alive. Who would have thought?

Unlocking the door, the jingle of the overhead bell is music to my ears as I push inside. I shut the door resolutely as if it can keep him from coming back. Blinking at my shop sign, I flip it back to open as if nothing happened. As if my morning was something I dreamed of from drinking too much hot cocoa and spice tea.

I walk around my store, preparing for my day much later than I normally would, but instead of checking my current stock or wondering how I will ever get through the stack of orders sitting on my back desk, I find myself thinking of things that I shouldn’t. Like Grimm.

Is it silly that I’m a little disappointed that he left? These feelings are probably nothing more than shock at what I’ve been through today. My nerves are jumbled and my brain can’t sort out what to think or how to feel, so I cling to the one thing I know for sure. Grimm is weirdly attractive, and I don’t know what it says about me that I find him so.

The air is suddenly disturbed behind me, and a rush of solid, cool breeze pushes against my back.

I spin with a gasp.

He’s behind me, in all his robed glory, his hands crossed patiently in front of him.

“You’re back? Already?”

“Of course, I am back. Did you think another reaping would delay the inevitable?”

“Oh.” My brow falls. He left to kill someone. Nice.

Apparently, that guy didn’t strike a bargain with Death. But I did, and for the time being, it seems to be working. I’m much more than thirty-nine minutes beyond my reaping time by now, and yet he’s not rushing me. He could swing that glimmering scythe and be done with all this, yet he’s standing here expectantly, as if waiting for me to do something.

The predatory way he’s looking at me makes me squirm. Maybe it’s not working after all. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I have much to do, and you are interfering with my plans, human. We must get on with this.”