And yet, I still find him attractive.

He’s still my Grimm, and there’s nothing I want more than to convince him that he’s wrong. Grim Reapers can fall in love.

Heart racing, my eyes trail up and down his form.

I like the way his body is different. I like how shadows cling to him even though the glow of his skeleton tries to push those very same shadows away. I like the way his skin doesn’t look like skin. The way his eyes are sunken. The way he moves like he’s almost floating—something I never noticed with that long cloak of his.

I like the way his cock bobs up and down, frighteningly white and gleaming with pearly precum.

Before I can strip the rest of my clothing off, Grimm is before me. He grabs my face for another kiss, and then he trails his mouth down my body as he slowly helps me slip out of everything until I’m finally standing just as naked as he is.

“Beautiful,” he marvels, drinking me in.

His hand caresses my sides and then he cups my breasts.

A shiver runs down my spine, my head falling back and my eyes fluttering closed.

I feel light, like a feather, and the only other sensation I recognize is Grimm. I feel him as he picks me up and gently places me on the ground.

Where there was once hardwood flooring, there is now something soft and plush, likely another little magic trick he pulled with his otherworldly gifts.

Opening my eyes, I see him kneeling before me, still staring at me like I’m something precious.

He finds my gaze and places his hand above my breast, right in the spot where my heartbeat can be felt the most.

“Are you ready to be claimed, Morgan?”

I nod. Was ready yesterday.

“Good, because there is no one else here. No infuriating employees to disrupt me from taking what is mine. No unfulfilling films, no kids screaming and running around, no puddles of liquid sugar to step in.” He shudders, shaking his head, but I’m stuck on his previous words.

“What is mine.”

An admission, even one as subtle as that, is enough for me. Grimm doesn’t know it yet, but he’s smitten with me. Probably just as smitten with me as I am with him.

“Take me, Grimm.”

“Oh, I will, Morgan. I will take you right here, and then I will take you back to the afterworld, where you will be my little soul to claim forever.”

I gasp. Another admission of love, in different words, of course. What a silly Reaper he is. He doesn’t even know what his deadly little heart feels.

“Oh, you thought I would just give you up after you offered yourself to me?” he says, eyes hardening. “I think not.”

He leans down and claims my lips, only speaking more words between rounds of kisses.

“There will be nothing for you in the afterlife but me, Morgan.”

Another round of kisses, his hands sliding down my body. I’m soaking wet.

“You hear me? Nothing.”

“I hear you, Grimm.”

“Good. Now say it again. Tell me to claim you. Tell me that I can have you. I need to hear you say those words one more time.”

“I’m yours, Grimm. However, you want me. Take me, claim me, make me yours.”

And then he’s on top of me.