Her eyes round with apprehension, but the way she bites her lower lip and writhes beneath me, similar to other humans I have seen in the act of mating, tells me that the only thing that she fears is how delicious dealing with death can be.

Chapter Nine


This was a mistake.

A deadly mistake.

An intoxicating mistake.


Immediately following his declaration, Grimm descends on me again like a predator starved of sustenance. His lips are ice cold, and he tastes of candy canes and cool peppermint tea.

“Mine,” he growls, pushing me into the floor with his massive body.

There’s a bulge between his legs, and while I know exactly what that is… I actually don’t know exactly what that is. He’s rocking something, but do Grim Reapers have dicks?

The question becomes nothing but an abandoned thought thrown into the abyss as I grind against him, uncaring that I’m lying in a sticky puddle of someone’s spilled drink. Why? Because Grimm’s mouth and Grimm’s hands are on me, touching me everywhere.

Eyes closed, I give in to all the sensations building inside me. I want more. I want to pull the rest of his cloak off. I want him to strip me down and make me his. I want this moment to never end.

Damn the consequences.

Damn his job.

Damn all those lonely years spent waiting for someone as special as him.

Suddenly, the lights flick on, and Grimm freezes.

Pulling away as he draws back, I open my eyes. The sound of footsteps round the corner of the entrance retaining wall, and then someone stops mid-stride, drops a broom, and stares at us in shock.

Shit. It’s an employee. And he just caught us smack in the middle of fondling each other.

I jolt upward, covering my chest as if I were naked even though I’m far from it. “It’s not what you think! He fell!” I point to Grimm, whose blue eyes turn to a sheet of ice.

“Leave us,” my Grim Reaper barks.

The tension in the room is thick as a cord.

Worried about what he might do, I climb to my feet and pull up my boyfriend, because I’ve decided we’re dating now. I dared him to claim me, and he’s going to. So there’s no backing out for him. Making out in the darkness of the theater sealed Grimm’s fate. And now that we’re together, even if I die—accidentally or not—I’m never leaving his side.

This monster is mine.

“We’re leaving now,” I mumble apologetically, yanking on Grimm’s arm.

Grimm pauses just long enough to grab his scythe before I race out of the room, embarrassed to hell and back.

I don’t know why I feel so much shame. Probably because that poor employee looked like it was his second day on the job and had no clue what he was in for.

For some reason, this makes me giggle.

I wait for him just outside the theater room. He arrives not a moment later, noticing me giggling.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Oh, nothing. I’ll explain later. Come on, we gotta go before we’re banned from coming back.”