At the sight of the wine, Thayer whisks it away and shakes his head with a muted, “She can’t have that,” to his mother.

I stifle a giggle.

Nicolette’s eyes widen.

“Savannah,” she asks slowly. “Is there a reason you won’t drink the Rossi wine? It’s your favorite.”

“She’s pregnant,” Thayer blurts out, causing his mother to gasp, Nicolette’s jaw to drop open, and Fabien to chuckle in that Gerard-brother dark way.

“Jesus,” Lyam says. “That didn’t take you long.”

Avril grins. “I’ve always said when Thayer fell, he’d fall hard. I knew it. I just knew it, from that very first day you two were arguing in the foyer and you asked me to tell him to be nice to you.”

“Did you?” I ask, sipping my very non-alcoholic cup of tea.

“I did,” she beams. “It’s not his way to casually date or to think a long time about the right decisions. When Thayer knows what he wants, he is all in, and with you, my love, he is all in. A baby!” She embraces me so tightly I can hardly breathe, and I hug her back.

God, it feels good to have a mother again.

“Hormones,” I say, as I swipe at the stubborn tears on my cheeks that will continue no matter what. Everything makes me cry these days. “I cry over everything.”

“It’s okay,” Nicolette says warmly, her own eyes shimmering. “I guess it’s time for me to admit my baby sister’s growing up.”

“Grown up,” Thayer growls, as if the implication he’s robbed the cradle’s too much for him to handle. “Grown. Up.”

“Grown up,” Nicolette agrees. “Oh, Savannah.”

“Before we get all mushy,” Lyam says, ever the pragmatist, “We need to make sure we’ve closed the door on every threat against us and communicate every detail.”

He looks to his mother. “Your choice if you stay or go.”

She looks around the small group of us with nothing short of adoration in her gaze. “I’ll go,” she says softly. “Savannah?”

I hold Thayer’s hand. “I’ll stay for now but join you shortly. Didn’t you say something about a gâteau?”

“I did.” She looks at me warmly, her eyes shining. “You name it, and I’ll make sure you and the baby have it.”

“We won’t be having any spoiled children,” Thayer says grumpily.

“You say that now,” Fabien mutters.

Avril leaves, chuckling to herself, and as soon as the door shuts behind her, Lyam speaks up. “I want to give a full report on what I’ve found before we close this door.” We all sit up straighter. I’m sure the brothers are mostly concerned with the Chabert family’s antics, but I want to know what Cosette had to do with this.

“I take full responsibility,” he begins. “I was the one that brought the women in for hire. And yes, Mindy was a member of Le Luxe, but I had no idea she had any affiliation with the Chaberts and that her master was on their payroll. To be fair, they hid it well, and have attended Le Luxe for years, but it’s a good indication we need more thorough background checks.”

“Absolutely.” Thayer scowls in agreement. “And Cosette?”

For a second, it looks like Thayer and Lyam are going to get into a fight. Lyam’s eyes flash and Thayer sits up straighter. I look at Nicolette in a panic, but she watches them placidly as she sips her wine. She’s seen their bluster before.

“Cosette was threatened,” Lyam says. “She’s riddled with guilt over everything.”

“What did they threaten her with?” Fabien asks, and I wonder if I’ve imagined that smug look on his face.

Lyam scowls. “They were going to kill me.”

No one speaks for a few moments. Lyam clears his throat. “Cosette has submitted her resignation.” He looks to Thayer. “The final call is yours.”

“If she’s tendered her resignation, then the decision is hers.” Thayer looks to me. “And what are your thoughts, Savannah? You were the one she threatened.”

I swallow hard and think about it before I answer. “I think Cosette has always been trustworthy. She’s loyal and a good friend to Nicolette. She acted under duress, and I hate to think that Lyam or she would’ve been hurt if she hadn’t complied.” I blow out a breath. “It’s tricky. I don’t blame her for wanting to leave, but at the same time, I would think, given how things played out, you won’t find anyone more loyal going forward. What kind of message does that send your enemies? They’ve weakened your family with their bullshit? No. I think you should send the message they’ve been unable to break you.”

Nicolette nods. “I agree.”

Fabien nods. “Well played, Savannah. I’m impressed.”

A small but clear indication they don’t see me as a child.

I smile. I’ll take it.

Lyam blows out a breath. “I promise you. I’ll keep a very close eye on her.”

Thayer scowls. “I’ll hold you to that.”

I shiver and lean in a little closer to Thayer. I’m not sure he’ll ever soften, and I’m not sure I’ll ever want him to.