Sirens wail outside.


From the doorway I can see police vehicles surrounding the entrance to Le Luxe.

Oh, God. Have I made a mistake coming here?

Why is my first thought of Thayer?

I remind myself that I don’t need him to protect me. I can take care of myself.

At the sight of the police officers exiting their vehicles, my mind goes back to that night. I can still see the man they killed, crumpled and sprawled on the ground as blood seeped out of him onto the pavement, taking his life with it.

This isn’t a casual visit but a raid.


I look over my shoulder to see Cosette enter the library.


I paste a smile on my face. Ugh. I have to get rid of her. “Hey. What’s going on?”

“I’m sorry,” she says, her face drawn as she shakes her head. “I’m really sorry.”

I give her a curious look. Why is she apologizing?

Movement outside catches my attention. Moments later, my heart leaps into my throat when I see Thayer being taken out in handcuffs. He has a look of stoic but grim determination on his face. Lyam prowls behind him, his phone to his ear.

Seeing him like this—helpless, under arrest—confirms my worst fear. He isn’t a man I can trust. Thayer can’t keep me safe anymore. This time, I allow myself the momentary weakness of shedding a tear. I wipe my cheeks and turn to face Cosette.

I stare for a moment, unsure of what I’m seeing. Cosette behind me, trembling, a syringe poised in her hand, ready to strike.

Adrenaline surges through me. I knock the syringe from her hand on instinct. She screams and sobs.

“They’ll kill him, Savannah, kill them all!” she chokes. “You have to let me!”

“Let you kill me? Oh hell no. What the fuck, Cosette? This isn’t you!”

“It’s—it won’t kill you, I promise.” Yeah, she’s not talking me into that. When I shake my head at her, she lunges for me and I duck just in time, sending her sprawling onto one of the sofas. It’s been a while since I’ve taken self-defense, but I remember the basics. I don’t want to hurt her, but I can deflect.

Cosette isn’t a fighter, and she doesn’t want to hurt me either, but whoever “they” are have convinced her she has to. With my heart threatening to pound out of my chest, I launch myself at her.

“Please,” she begs as she falls to the floor. I feel sick. I don’t notice the syringe is back in her hand until she tries to stab me with it. No.

I have to get out of here.

I lift my arm and deflect her. When she stumbles, I elbow her, trying to ignore her cry of pain. I hate this, but I have to get out of here. I wrestle the syringe out of her hand, hold her, and feel tears blur my vision.

She said it won’t kill me. It’s for sedation then.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, before I sink the needle into her neck, shove her away, and run. She falls to the floor with a cry.

I yank the handle that leads to the garden, but it’s locked. I’m desperate to get out as Cosette stumbles behind me, coming after me. She sinks to her knees, her head wobbling from side to side.

“They’re going to kill me,” she whispers. “They’re going to kill us all. I’m sorry. I’ll cover for you as long as I can.” She sobs openly, falling forward on her hands.

I remember the passcode to Thayer’s lockbox and enter it as quickly as I can. I stifle a sob when the door opens. The date of his father’s death leads me out of here.

The garden’s vacant, but not far from here I can see the police cars. The flashing lights. Uniformed officers talking in clipped tones. I hide in a crouched position until they’re gone, scanning my surroundings.

I’ve hardly been out here. I don’t know where I am.

I call Nicolette on the burner phone again, but it still goes to voicemail. My stomach clenches in fear. Where is she?

In the distance, I see a sleek black car pull up to the curb and an elegant couple dressed in formal attire steps out. My heart races. They have a driver.

I wait until they enter Le Luxe before I jog to the car. The driver stares at me in shock when I point my gun at him.

“Get out of the car,” I say in a rush of words, “and I won’t hurt you.”

Ugh, I feel absolutely terrible threatening anyone at all. It feels so unnatural. “And I promise you’ll be compensated,” I add as an afterthought. I think of Cosette, Thayer being taken, Nicolette, and my need to stay safe, and a rush of adrenaline surges me forward. “Now!”

He leaves in a rush as voices shout behind me. I slide into the driver’s seat, my hands quaking as I think about what I have to do next, drive into the unknown. Fend for myself. Leave everything behind.