He opens the door and steps outside with a look of determination on his face, like he’s just entered into battle and he’s putting me on the front line.

I notice right away the club during midday is nothing like the late night or early morning club. Guests filter in and out, notably different from the harried travel-worn families I’ve seen in most hotels. First, there are no children present at all, only couples—a man in a bespoke suit with a slight woman next to him, holding his hand. Two men in casual but tailored clothing, standing so close it looks like one wants to sit in the other’s lap while standing.

Staff mills about wearing crisp uniforms and speaking in low voices, and far beyond the main lobby, someone in a black suit plays a baby grand piano. Rose petals float in the waterfall and pool in the lobby, and in the brighter light of day, I notice plush velvet couches, full vases of freshly cut pale pink peonies, and behind the glass door, a patio with a fire pit and a fountain.

I realize with a stab of pride that Thayer’s the one in charge here, so he’s the one who’s chosen this upscale, luxury theme for his club. It is, after all, called Le Luxe, and for good reason.


While we don’t move through the lobby unnoticed—I note nearly everyone at least glances our way—no one speaks to him. Whereas all show him deference, and respect as well. If Thayer wanted to introduce me, he would have.

This time, as we walk through the club, I note so much more than I did before. A part of me longs to be a member, to run my hands along the soft, buttery leather of the couches, to sip from one of the tall, fluted glasses of champagne staff offers on trays, to sit on the patio and read my book.

But I know what I really want. I know what I really crave. And when I see a man lean over and kiss the cheek of the woman beside him, his hand on her lower back as if to claim her in front of everyone, there’s an unexpected lump in my throat.

I know I’m in danger. I know I’m not his. But damn, don’t I wish this would all go away, and I could prove to him I might be the woman he wants.

We walk down a long hallway past the rooms we saw before. Now, however, more people mill about. I wonder if I’ll see the couple I heard in the library earlier. Down another hall to a set of rooms that look like offices, he leads me to another room with an open door. “You did well,” he says as he leans over and kisses my cheek. My chest swells at his praise. What’s going on with me?

My skin flames when he touches me. He kindles me with the slightest effort. What would it feel like if he actually tried?

“Remember,” he says in my ear. “No talking, please. I’ll be as brief as possible.”

I nod. We enter the room, and I feel myself immediately freeze.

This isn’t a conference room.

It appears we’re in the heart of the club that leads to private rooms. To the far right, there’s a bar. With a quick glance, I note fine liquors and actual liquid aphrodisiacs. The room is immaculately clean, well-appointed with white and gray and silver accents, carpeted and luxurious, with the same velvety curtains and plush chairs I saw earlier.

But that’s not what gives me pause.

The people who’ve arrived aren’t… chefs, or masseuses, or anything like that. There are four of the sexiest, most well-dressed, attractive women I’ve ever seen. I don’t swing that way and even I would want to hook up with these ladies.

“Ladies,” Thayer says in greeting. “If you’re here for the willing servant jobs, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re in a community room our curated members frequent. As willing servants, we’d expect you to know your way around these rooms to perfection. You’ll note a members-only bar with liquors and aphrodisiacs, comfortable furniture, and a small room behind us with bondage furniture and mirrored walls for the exhibitionists among us. We also have private rooms with dim lights and soundproofed walls, and themed rooms.”

I try to swallow but find it difficult. I want to turn around and leave. Every single damn one of these women can’t hide the way they look at Thayer, and I know exactly what they see.

Magnetic, sapphire blue eyes framed with dark lashes. Thick, dark hair I want to run my fingers through. The stern set of his firm jaw that speaks of dominance and strength. He’s the perfect blend of arresting and sexy, charming and dangerous, what every woman craves and what every woman fears.