“Are you ready?” Cosette asks gently.

Savannah lifts her chin and nods. “I’m ready.”

It’s a big step, moving past her old self and into the new. A clear declaration that she isn’t who she once was anymore.

“Okay, let’s head to the bathroom. It’ll be easier to clean up in there, and it’s nice and spacious.” She looks over her shoulder at me. “Sir, they told me to remind you your guests will be here at ten o’clock.”

“Thank you.”

I take out my phone as Cosette covers the toilet seat lid with a towel. Savannah sits, draws her shoulders back, and lets out a breath.

My guests. I know exactly who’s behind this.


Lyam, why the hell do I have guests coming here at ten? I didn’t book anything. You have anything to do with this?


Shit. I totally forgot. I meant to tell you I booked them.




New slaves to apply as willing servants.

I blow out a breath. Willing servants are women who consensually agree to frequent our club unattached. If chosen, they become available for single members of our clubs for hire. I knew he was behind this.


Can you handle this, please?


I can’t, I won’t be there until two.


Fabien’s gone. What about Mario?


Needed back in the U.S.




Day off. Want me to reschedule?


No. They’re arriving soon. I’ll do it. Thanks

I don’t want to take Savannah with me to interview potential new hires, but I’m not comfortable leaving her unattended. I wasn’t supposed to have any engagements this morning.

My phone buzzes with another text from Fabien, informing me that he and Nicolette have left and checking in on Savannah, then another message from someone at home asking about the security detail for Maman. I reply to an inquiry about our new building manager, and scan through a detailed update from our head of security. I’m so fixated on catching up on business I’ve neglected, I finally look up.

I blink and stare. Savannah’s long hair pools on the floor around her like discarded ribbons. In front of me sits another woman.

I’d forgotten how Cosette’s a magician with a pair of scissors. When Savannah turns to me, I’m transfixed with the soft pink of her cheeks, the perfection of her pursed lips, her bright eyes somehow enhanced by a shorter cut. “We’ll need to dye it, sir,” Cosette begins. “But the cut for now will make it easier for her to wear a wig. The dye job will take several hours. When should we begin?”

“Tonight. We’ll have time then.”

Savannah blinks in surprise. “We?”

“Of course. I’m not going to leave you to do this alone. I know it’s a big change.”

While Cosette puts away her things, Savannah’s eyes are fixed on me. “Thank you.”

I swallow and nod. Of course I can’t leave her to do this alone, but I didn’t know it meant so much to her.

Cosette stands, slings her bag over her shoulder, and smiles at me. “See you tonight, then?”

I nod. “Tonight. Thank you, Cosette.”

As she walks to the exit, we follow her. “And one more thing.”

Turning around to face me, she nods. “Yes?”

I keep my voice low. “I want to keep a low profile with Savannah. She’s here for a reason, and I don’t want to put her safety at risk.”

“Of course, sir,” Cosette says, inclining her head. “I understand.”

“Thank you.” I shut the door behind her.

“Do they all call you that?” I turn to see Savannah standing behind me, her arms crossed over her chest. I have no idea what she’s talking about. She has little wisps of hair on her face and clothes. I reach over and brush it off her nose.

“Call me what?”

“Sir. Since when have you gone from Thayer to Sir?”

Is she jealous? She’s totally jealous.

“I’m the owner of a kinky sex club, Savannah,” I say in a low voice. “Yes, of course they call me Sir. Not only out of respect but because it’s who I am here. Many of our clients don’t even use their names. I don’t demand it, though. Sometimes, Thayer works just as well.”

I take her by the hand and lead her to the bathroom. “We have to go to a meeting shortly. You’ll need to clean up and get your wig on before we go.”

I wish she was mine. She wouldn’t be showering by herself. I’d join her, wash her hair and body and choose her clothes. But she isn’t mine, and she isn’t ready for any of that yet.

So I let her go.

Nodding, she steps into the bathroom and grabs a towel. “I’ll be ready quickly. Thayer?”


She steps out of her clothes, giving me a quick glance at her absolutely perfect body, before stepping into the steaming shower.

“Have you and Cosette ever been a thing?”

I normally don’t talk about my past or my relationships, but I feel she deserves to know the truth.

“No. I don’t ever get personal with women who work for me.”