“Go,” Nicolette says. In my ear she whispers, “We have to hide you.”

Thayer’s hand grips my arm again.

I want to tell them I’m with him. I want to tell her she can trust me, that there’s nothing to worry about. I want to tell her that I’m safe, and that Thayer’s got my back, and he isn’t going to steal my virtue or anything she’s worried about like that, because he’s a good man.

But I don’t know if I believe any of that.

All I know is that if I’m not safe, how is Nicolette?

What if they recognize who I am and decide to come after her as well?

“Go,” I tell her in a whisper. “I’m safe, babe. Go.”

I look to Fabien and jerk my chin at him. “Keep her safe, too, okay?”

What are we getting into? Have we made a grave mistake associating with this family?

Nicolette swipes at her cheeks and swallows. “Stay in touch.” She looks sharply at Thayer. “Make sure you let her stay in touch with me. None of this no contact bullshit, Thayer.”

“Nicolette.” Fabien’s voice holds a warning I’ve never heard before. Thayer’s well-respected here, and it’s probably not too common for a woman like Nicolette to dress down Thayer.

What a strange, archaic world this is.

“I mean it, Fabien,” she says.

Thayer towers beside me. I forget how tall he is when I’m not wearing heels. “She’s safe with me, Nicolette. I promise.”

She gives me a big bear of a hug before she lets me go and kisses my cheek.

He doesn’t wait but tugs me to the door.

I realize with a sudden jolt of fear that if anyone saw us together, they might start wondering who I am and why I’m chatting with Nicolette in an obviously highly charged conversation.

I hate that I put her in this position.

When does she leave?

Can she visit me in Thayer’s private room?

Where am I?

I have so many questions, I don’t even know where to begin to sort through them all.

Thayer leads me to a small doorway I didn’t see before. God, this place is amazing, and I want to explore every inch of it when I’m not in danger anymore. He slides a card along a little computerized rectangular thing. There’s a flash and a beep and the door slides open. After we walk through it, it slides closed as quickly as it opened.

I realize then this is a security entrance of sorts, one they might use for discretion and anonymity. A place like this can’t be cheap, and although it’s well appointed, it’s not huge. I wonder who comes here.

Politicians? Public figures? Other made men, like him?

I’m trying to take it all in, but we’re walking at such a rapid pace through the club, it’s hard. Everywhere I turn, there’s something to see that sparks my imagination and curiosity: brushed metal, sleek screens, computerized panels lit with flashing lights. Everything around us is dark and sleek and modern.

I struggle to keep up with Thayer’s rapid pace. Every few steps, we turn another corner, and another mesmerizing view captures my attention.

We arrive at a large, heavy door. Thayer presses his thumb to a scanner, and the door glides open. We’re alone once more in a narrow hallway I recognize. We’re almost back to his room. A wave of anticipation rolled with dread washes through me.

“You are in so much goddamn trouble,” he says, his jaw clenched.

I swallow and don’t reply, unsure of how I feel about this. I’m not sure this tingling in the pit of my stomach indicates only fear. My heart jolts, and I try to control the bewildering current that races through me.

Right now, all that matters is we get back to the safety of the room. I’ll deal with whatever happens when we get there.

And then we’re alone. In his room. The door shuts and locks behind us. I watch as he slides a deadbolt in place. Turning to face me, he removes his phone and silences it. He bites out one word that makes my pulse spike.




“Now, Thayer,” I begin pleadingly. Hoping for a little mercy, a little time.

Narrowing his eyes, he lowers his voice and repeats, “Strip.”

I slowly peel off my clothes, knowing that Thayer’s about to punish me for disobeying him. I could argue my case, but I want to know what this is like. If the arousal I’m feeling right now is any indication, it might be one of the most erotic things I’ve ever done.

Still, I have to tell him what happened.

Standing before him in nothing but my panties and a bra, even the wig discarded in my pile of clothing, I feel a strange mix of fear and arousal and something that concerns me more than anything—the need for his approval.

Since when do I care about that?

I take a deep breath and tell him in a rush of words. “Listen, I told you, I was in the room waiting like you told me, and I heard voices. Someone came in the room, Thayer. They came and were talking, and I had to leave.”