“Oh, we’re kinky alright,” she says, though her lilting voice doesn’t hide the flash of alarm in her eyes.

I ignore her while I slide the blindfold over her eyes.

“This is for your own good,” I whisper, as I tie it at the back of her head.

“Ah. That’s what they all say.”

I grit my teeth. “Should’ve brought a gag.”



Oh, I talk a good talk alright. It’s the only way I can gain any control over a situation which threatens to unravel at any moment.

But it doesn’t mean my heart isn’t threatening to leap out of my chest. It doesn’t mean I’m not wildly curious about where he’s taking me or how exactly he just happens to have a blindfold and some kind of rope in his pocket.

He planned this.

Yeah, he mentioned something about me being blindfolded so I wouldn’t see where I was going, but I suspect he has a dual purpose. I mean, he’s basically said as much. Is he really just trying to make sure I don’t know my whereabouts?

I really don’t have the first clue about where we’re going.

My older sister and I need to have a nice long talk.

As soon as the silky blindfold darkens my vision, my other senses come alive.

I can feel the warm, hard wall of his chest against my back. I’m enveloped in the utterly masculine scent of whatever the hell he’s wearing that says Male. Sex. Power.

Gah! I try to speak but find my mouth’s too dry. When I lick my lips, I hear him stifle a groan.

I wonder why.

I can hear the low hum of the engine. I imagine I hear the drumming beat of my heart. A whisper of a shiver runs between my shoulder blades when his mouth brushes my ear.

“We’re almost there. Listen, and do not speak. Nod if you understand.”

God, the arrogance of this son of a bitch. “What’s there not to understand?” I snap.

Strong fingers at my neck flex. I gasp. He wouldn’t—choke me—would he?

He bites my ear. I gasp and writhe, but he holds me fast.

“No more attitude. No more talking back. I don’t know what you think’s so funny about this, but you are two breaths away from having your ass whipped over my knee, no matter where we are, no matter who sees. Do you understand that?”

I nod and open my mouth to speak again, when he continues.

“This is not a joke. You’re in serious danger. I’m bringing you into an exclusive club where people go who will not think twice about me dragging you in there cuffed, blindfolded, gagged, and trussed up for my use. Where not a single soul will even blink if I take my belt to your ass and punish you for disobedience. Where everyone, and I mean literally everyone, will step aside to give me a wide berth the second they see who I am. Where my word is law and my command absolute. Is that clear, Savannah?”

Ho-ly. Shit!

I nod.

Where the hell is he taking me?

And more importantly… who the hell is he?

“You’ll walk beside me. You’ll stay silent except to answer my questions if I speak to you. I’ll bring you to my private suite and then you can have more freedom, but until then, you are nothing more than my property.”

His. Property.

I should be appalled.

I’m actually a little appalled that I’m not appalled.

I’m more curious than anything.

I’d like to see him keep his hands off me under these circumstances. Ha!

Nicolette would only shake her head.


Surely Fabien and Nicolette know where we’re going. Why have they never mentioned anything to me before? Do they all think I’m a child or something? I’m in grad school, for crying out loud. I’ve moved to another continent and learned the language, earned a massive scholarship for grad school, and have even, though Nicolette doesn’t know this yet, written three mystery thrillers. Okay, so they’re not published yet, but I’m getting there. I want to know I’m able to do it on my own, without the help of Fabien and Nicolette.

It sounds like Thayer’s either talking on the phone or giving instructions to someone, I can’t quite tell which. But I tell my overactive imagination to take a breather and start paying attention either way.

We’ve stopped moving, that much I can tell. Voices, speaking in rapid French at a bit of a distance, move past us and come back. God, I wish I could see. What do they look like when they see Thayer?

My word is law and my command absolute.

What does that mean? And why does it make my body come alive?

“Savannah.” Again, he says my name. Again, when he does, I wish he’d say it again.

I shouldn’t care about him any more now that I know what an asshole he can be. It was a lot easier to be hot for him and fuel my schoolgirl fantasies when I didn’t know that he was sarcastic and rude and bossy.