“I can’t go back to America,” I begin.

“Definitely not,” Thayer snaps.

I frown at him and lift my chin.

If you were mine…

I draw in a deep breath and continue. “I have a flat here in Paris, which is—”

“Infinitely more dangerous than America,” Thayer supplies.

I grit my teeth so I don’t snap at him. Nervy bastard.

I think. I have no friends I could stay with. If I went to stay with Nicolette and Fabien, I would compromise them. I can’t do that to them. It isn’t fair.

“I’ll… I’ll have to find a place,” I supply, mustering up every scrap of courage I have. I’ve got the money. It’s just a matter of flying to somewhere far, far away, where they’ll never think to find me.

“Find a place?” Lyam says with a grimace, less judgy than his brother but still obviously displeased. “Like… a hotel? Fuck that. Maman could even put you up here if necessary.”

I shake my head. “I will not put anyone else in danger. And if they find out that I’m staying with your family, this will not end well.”

“She’s right,” Mario says, nodding. “Listen, we can hide her in America. You know my family has The Castle in New England, and multiple safe houses. No one would find her.”

I blink. For how long? I can’t spend the rest of my life in a safe house… apart from Nicolette again.


I shake my head. “That’s so generous of you,” I begin, when Thayer interrupts me.

“She’ll come with me.”

We all stare at him.

“With you where?” Lyam asks with a wariness in his tone that makes me uneasy.

“You know where.”

A slow, sly smile spreads across Mario’s face.

That doesn’t exactly make me feel better about things.

“Oh, yeah,” Mario says. “Perfect. I mean, hardly anyone even knows it exists. You’ll be near Fabien and Nicolette when they return, and a whole host of guards. You’ll be damn near bulletproof, too.” His eyes twinkle, and I can tell he has a few more things he isn’t saying.

“Um. Hi. My name’s Savannah,” I say, waving my hand at them. “Not sure you remembered I was here, but I am, and my opinion matters in this.”

Thayer’s eyes narrow. “Of course it matters,” he says. “Do you want to live or die?”

Acid burns the back of my throat.

“Why do you have to say it like that?” I ask in a little voice.

Mario sighs. “Listen, kiddo. Thayer says it like it is. Sugarcoating isn’t in his vocabulary. And yeah, he can be a pain in the ass like any of us, but there’s no place you’ll be safer. You have to trust him.”

Kiddo. Oof.

I just witnessed a murder. An unexpected, graphic, very violent murder. I don’t feel like trusting anyone right now, especially not the man who said he’d punish me if I were his.

Especially not the man who has the ability to make me afraid and excited and aroused with a mere look. I could argue that’s even more dangerous than the obvious situation I’m in, but I don’t think they’d buy it.

“Answer the question, Savannah.”

“Of course I want to live. I just… have a feeling that answering that question has strings attached.”

I suddenly realize that knocking on their door—coming here for help, kissing him—has strings attached.

Thayer nods. “You’re in grave danger,” he says almost gently. “Tonight, you witnessed a murder, and very well might be the only witness still alive. If our suspicions are right, and I’ll have you know Lyam’s rarely wrong, you’ll have people after you that won’t just kill you. They’ll kidnap you and torture you just for the hell of it before they kill you. That woman you saw? You just ruined their fun. And they won’t take too kindly to that.”

I stare, unblinking, trying to process the enormity of this. “So I have to hide for the rest of my life?”

“Not the rest of your life,” Lyam says. “But until you’re no longer in danger. We’ll handle this as it plays out, but for now, your best bet is to go with Thayer. He’ll take you to a place no one knows about. You’ll be very well hidden. We’ll make sure this blows over and that you aren’t hurt.”

Thayer lifts his phone and glances at the screen.

“Fabien and Nicolette have landed.” He turns to me. “They’ve been filled in, Savannah. Do you want to talk to your sister?”

Tears spring to my eyes. I nod wordlessly and reach my hand out, swallowing hard. Thayer slides the phone into my hand. Our fingers touch for the briefest second before I pull away.

“Nicolette?” I whisper.

“Oh, thank God you’re okay.” My sister sounds like she’s crying. “I heard what happened. Savannah, go with Thayer. Please, honey. Go with Thayer, and we’ll take it from there.”

I nod, even though she can’t see me. All of my arguments and reasons for not going with him don’t hold a candle to my sister’s tearful plea. I’d do anything she asked me.