"Tired." Too tired to put up walls between my sensible thoughts and my desire to see her naked.

"Me too." She doesn't notice my stare. She slides into the booth next to me.

Shit. Where's my jacket? No, the leather jacket is too short. It doesn't hide anything. And if I put it over my lap, I basically advertise the state of affairs.

I need to handle this the old-fashioned way. Thoughts of baseball and Mr. Dickson.

She rests her head on my shoulder. "I have to tell you something."

I want to fuck you too. Let's go back to the apartment right now. We can take it as slow as you want. I might come in my pants, yeah, but I can still take it slow. I love slow. I love the idea of drawing out your anticipation for ages. "Yeah?"

"This drink might do it." Her voice is soft and sincere.

This drink might do it for me too. I might confess how much I want you.

"I might fall asleep right here."

Oh. That's a more reasonable warning. A warning from a friend to a friend. That's what we are. Friends. "I can carry you home."

"Can you really?"

"It would be easy," I say.

"I'm heavy," she says.

I shoot her a get real look, but my eyes only stay on hers for a moment. They go right to her chest. I'm at the perfect angle to stare at her cleavage.

"Don't make me ask for a number, 'cause I will."

She clears her throat.

"Or make me offer to prove it."

"You'd get tired."

"I wouldn't. But unless you're ready to put up—"

"I better shut up?" she teases.

The sassy tone of her voice sends blood racing back to my dick. Val is gorgeous, yeah, and she's got a big, beautiful brain. I'm not sure which is sexier. I find my only hint of sense. "I wouldn't say it so rudely…"

I need to look somewhere else. To think of something else.

Finally, my gaze rises to her collarbones, neck, lips. Not that this is a better spot. I want to taste her. I really, really want to taste her.

"Should we text him?" I need a distraction. Now. "Or wait a few."

"Once we have drinks." She lets out an adorable yawn. "I, uh, I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Don't fall asleep in there."

"Not there. Here." She motions to the booth.

It is cozy. And she's acting weird. There's something in her voice, something I can't place.

Maybe she's tired.

Maybe my dick is desperate to find a clue of her interest.

Either way, I'm ignoring the desire racing through my veins. I'm helping her flirt with this guy. Period. The end.

I pull out my phone in search of something to send my blood back to my brain. Instead, I see a group text from Luna and Patrick.


Luna Locke: Did you kiss yet?

Patrick: No way. He can't sleep with her until the end of the trip.

Luna Locke: Why not?

Patrick: Because, after she gives into the desire, she'll see his personality.

Luna Locke: Not funny.

Patrick: Is it not?

Luna Locke: Yeah, he really likes her. It's pretty obvious.

Patrick: It is obvious.

Luna Locke: And, for some reason, she likes him too.

Patrick: Are you sure? I didn't see it.

Luna Locke: Are you kidding? When she thought I was his girlfriend? She was staring daggers.

Patrick: I didn't see that.

Luna Locke: You were distracted. You were distracted almost the entire time she was here!

I'm tempted to let them continue without me. But I don't.

Dare: You do realize this is a group text?

Luna Locke: Nice of you to finally join! I'll call Tricky ASAP.

Dare: Not necessary.

Luna Locke: So? Did you kiss her?

Dare: No. She's into her roommate.

Luna Locke: Is she though?

Dare: Yeah. I'm helping her flirt with him.

Luna Locke: How's that going?

Dare: Poorly. She's a terrible flirt.

Luna Locke: Or she's not actually into him?

Dare: You're crazy.

Patrick: Don't say crazy as an insult.

Luna Locke: Oh, yay, three-way!

Patrick: I'm not into you two that way.

Luna Locke: Don't even.

Dare: What should I say then? Luna is seeing shit that isn't there.

Luna Locke: It's there.

Patrick: Is it?

Luna Locke: Don't join if you won't help.

Patrick: The truth helps.

Luna Locke: You don't think he likes her?

Patrick: Of course he likes her. The question is if she likes him.

Luna Locke: Oh, I know! Let's text her.

Dare: Over my dead body.

Luna Locke: You can't stop me from texting a friend.

Dare: Actually, I can. I'm with her.

Luna Locke: Then why are you talking to us?

Dare: She's in the bathroom.

Patrick: Taking the pressure off?

Luna Locke: What?

Patrick: So she's not too excited?

Luna Locke: Women don't do that.

Patrick: You speak for all women?

Luna Locke: I thought you were into teasing your girlfriend, drawing it out for ages?

Patrick: She told you that?

Luna Locke: Maybe.

Patrick: What else did she tell you?

Dare: Should I let myself out?

Patrick: Maybe he needs to go to the bathroom and relieve himself.

Luna Locke: Where are you?

Dare: A bar.

Luna Locke: Right. Nine-hour time difference. How was the flight btw?