"Anything, as long as she means it," he says.

Dare nods with understanding. "Have any women tried to flatter you? Since the breakup."

"I've dated a little here and there," Archie says. "But no one special. Not right now." He looks to me with a shy smile.

That's a sign of interest. Even I see it.

"You have your eye on anyone?" Dare underlines the subtext.

"One person," Archie says.

Dare looks to me, offering me the floor.

I'm supposed to say something here, but I have no idea what it is. Archie wants sincerity, and I can't say, well, I don't really like you that much, but I think you're a good choice for my mission here, so would you please consider having sex with me?

When I fail to flirt back, Dare shakes his head. "Excuse me. Bathroom." He stands and motions something to me as he walks away.

A moment later, my purse buzzes.

Oh. Right. We're supposed to meet and strategize. I need his guidance. Maybe I do need him flirting for me. Not here. Some other way.

"Excuse me," I say. "I should wash my hands." I grab my purse and meet Dare in the hallway outside the bathroom.

We're around the corner, out of view.

Dare shoots me a what the fuck look. "Why do you think I texted?"

"To rendezvous here," I say.

He looks me up and down carefully. "Maybe flirting in person is too advanced for you. We can end this early. Text him from the bar."

"We're going to a bar?"

"After this." He nods. "It's a surprise. You'll like it. I promise."

My heart thuds against my chest. I trust him. I believe I'll like it. I shouldn't feel so nervous.


"Good." He nods. "I'll salvage dinner. Keep the conversation going. I just need you to do one thing."


"Kiss him goodbye."

Chapter Sixteen


Kiss him goodbye.

A completely reasonable suggestion that makes my stomach turn.

Which is ridiculous. I want to do this. I will do this.

Kissing. Touching. Casual sex.

It's happening.

I open my mouth to say, yes, of course, but for some reason, the word refuses to leave my lips.

"Can you do that?" he asks.

Again, I try to find the yes. Again, I fail.


"I don't know." That's the truth. I want to be able to do this, but I'm not sure if I can.

"Okay." He doesn't push. "How about a hug?"

"I can hug," I say.

"Hold it for at least five seconds," he says.

"How will I know?"

"Count," he says. "Ten is better. Twenty is great. But that's an eternity."

"Who did you hug for twenty seconds?" I ask.

"Brian," he says.

"Really?" The tension in my chest eases. He didn't hug another woman for twenty seconds. He hugged his brother.

"Yeah. It's a psychology thing," he says. "Enough time to release oxytocin.”’

Right. I know that.

"You're the one who told me," he says. "But Tricky's girlfriend reminded me."

She's a psych major. Or was it econ? No, it's both. We really do have a lot in common—her parents live in Orange County, don't they?

We should talk. If I live through the trip.

Dare waits until I settle into the moment. “You want to feel the twenty second hug?"

"Yes. Please." Not just for practice. Because I want to hold him for twenty seconds. Because I want him to hold me for a long, long time.

As a friend. Mostly.

Dare nods, slips his cell into his pocket, pulls me into his arms.

He feels good. Safe and warm and hard and dangerous all at once. But it's not the danger I feel with other men. It's the possibility of losing this.

"One," he counts.

I rest my head in the crook of his neck.


He's a little taller than I am. With the slight wedge of my shoes, we line up just right.


"Can you really count to twenty?" I ask.

He laughs. "Ten twice." He taps his fingers against my upper back.

The fabric of my shirt is thin. I feel the heat of his hands, the pressure of his touch.

I want to feel more. I want his hands everywhere.

And, this time, I can't sell myself the idea of a friendly touch between the legs. I want that. I want him.

"I lost count," he says.

"I distracted you."

"I'm used to it." He pulls me a little tighter and releases me. "Now. Go back. Flirt. Or… talk about school or some shit, okay?"

I nod. It doesn't matter if I want Dare. That's a passing thing. I'll get over it, especially if I do manage to seduce my roommate.

He lets me go and moves into the bathroom.

I don't go back to Archie. I slip into the women's room, pee, wash, fix my lipstick.

There. I look good. And not just good for someone who stepped off an airplane this afternoon. Hot.

Of course, when I get back to the table, Dare is already there. He looks at me and shakes his head.

And even though I try to flirt, really, I never quite find the words.