“Samuel, stay,” she groans in her sleep. I kiss the crown of her head as I move slowly out of her grasp.
“Sleep, baby girl. You’re going to need it.” Her eyes flutter open for a moment but then close just as quickly.
“Fine, I’ll just snuggle into your pillow.” I chuckle, already knowing that’s what she’ll do. I’ve seen it with my own eyes many times, it never gets old.
“You do that, baby girl. Find me when you wake up.” If this were the middle of the week, I’d hit my home gym. Since it’s not, I walk to the dresser, open the drawer, grab a pair of swim trunks, slide them up, and walk toward the bedroom door quietly. I take one last look at the beautiful woman in my bed, wishing my body wouldn’t wake me up at this Godawful time, as she likes to put it. Years, that’s how long it’s been since I’ve been able to sleep in. During my stint in college, I took as many classes as I could while working at a law office as an assistant in the hopes that I could get on as an intern. After graduation, I hit the ground running, days and nights, not stopping until I hit a personal goal. The past few years, I changed directions, ready to take on a different avenue in the legal system, tired of doing all of the work and only getting gray hair in the end, and a fat paycheck. That way of life only fills a void for so long. Once a seat became available, I was able to slide right in, and that’s where I’ve been the past four years. I’m in my element. The work is hard, but nothing like being an attorney where you’ve got to be on one hundred percent of the time and prove yourself to everyone, day in and day out.
I make my way through the house. The sun is already up. The plantation shutters that came with the house block the majority of the rays of light that are trying to work their way inside the room. The bedroom is darker, the sun not rising on that side of the house. Along with the shutters, it helps keep it dark, aiding in Eden’s penchant for sleeping the morning away. A cool house, little to no light, and me wearing her out make it perfect for her. The kitchen is my first stop. I flip the switch on the coffee pot, so it’s brewed by the time I’m done swimming my laps. Plus, if Eden decides to grace me with her presence, a form of caffeine will be readily available. A quick trip the fridge, where I grab a couple of bottles of water, then I’m opening the sliding glass door, leaving it ajar since the weather isn’t too brisk today.
I toss the bottles of water on the edge of the pool near the deep end and dive in. Water sluices along my skin as I get lost in the moment, my head nowhere except on keeping my movements fluid, my breathing under control, and relaxing after a long week at work. It’s unlike when you’re working out. There are more breaks in between each set, allowing your mind to wander. Usually, mine is on Eden, coming up with the next time I’m with her, or what emails need to be responded to, or thinking about what court cases will come across my desk.
My head lifts to the side to take a breath of air before returning to my free style. One hand pulls the water in a cupping manner while other is out in the air, ready for the next stroke until I reach the end of the pool, where I do a flip kick to start all over again. It isn’t until I’m ten laps deep that I notice the shadow of a body I know like the back of my hand. A smile tips my mouth. It seems Eden can’t stay away from me either.
I got cold. It’s the only reason I would willingly admit to being out of bed this early on a Saturday morning. It’s not the actual truth, though. The truth would be that I woke up when Samuel left, and while he told me to go back to sleep, the bed was lonely, he was gone, and I got cold without the warmth of his body snuggling into me. The only good thing about waking up this early was coffee. The delicious scent permeated the air with its rich dark goodness. That’s when I said, fuck it, got out of bed, traipsed to his closet like a zombie that I still currently am, grabbed a hoodie, and slid it over my head and down my naked body. A brief trip to the bathroom, not bothering to look at what I’m sure was sleep lines slashed across my face and hair a ratted mess. I left the bathroom, grabbed a pair of clean panties to put on beneath the warm fleece material that smells of Samuel Kavanaugh, woodsy with a spicy undercurrent of oranges.