Page 35 of Rocked by Love

“It’s worked out, hasn’t it?” I ask Irish while the camera flashes blind us.


“Everything. You, me, the music thing, the family, even the travel.”

“It has.” She smooths a hand over her belly. “I didn’t think I’d be taking two babies on tour, let alone one, but we make it work.”

“This way,” A handler comes over to direct us past the photo call. “Will you be doing any interviews?” He looks hopeful.

“Afterward.” I point to Irish. “We need to get Clover off her feet.”

The handler flushes and nods in eager agreement. In short order, we’re inside the arena and shown to the artists’ lounge. A swarm of people come over to greet us, most of them pushing me aside.

“Clover, are you pregnant again? I heard you two were going on tour.”

“Is it a boy? Do you know? I didn’t see any gender reveal on Insta.”

“They don’t do that.”

“They don’t?”

“No, they didn’t for the first one, did you, Clover?”

“I read you were doing fifty dates! How will you manage? You should stay home.”

“No,” I interject, maybe a little too forcefully as a number of heads swing in my direction. I put on a smile. “We all know that Clover’s my better half and that if I don’t have her with me, the tour won’t be a success.”

Irish slides her arm through mine, probably to reassure me that no one is taking her away. “I like touring. I get to go to different cities, visit museums, shop, eat good food. Unlike Dylan here, I get to leave the hotel and the stadium, and explore. It’s fun.”

“If you ever get tired of him, call me, and I’ll come save you,” calls a very famous blond pop star from across the room.

Irish shakes her head. “I can’t leave him alone. The one time he went to a tour date without me, he didn’t eat anything but a bag of popcorn and almost passed out before the concert started. He said he was going to order room service but forgot because the World Cup was on.”

“It’s true. I’m a mess without you.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Hey, no PDA in the artists’ lounge. You’re going to make us all jealous.” The pop star pouts. “The last time I had normal human contact was…” She trails off. Everyone in the room nods in agreement. They’re surrounded by managers and agents and lawyers, and real people aren’t allowed in. Their gazes turn to Irish with a lot of envy.

I maneuver my wife into a corner. I slap a hand on the wall and lean close, blocking everyone’s view of her beautiful body. “They’re going to try to steal you away, so promise me again you’ll never leave me.”

Irish grins. “Is that why I’m knocked up again?”

“That and because you’re so fucking sexy that I can’t go ten minutes without wanting to bone you into the next year.”

“You’ll have to wait a few hours,” she replies primly.

“Sounds like a scam.”

“This is the Grammys.” She tries to act scandalized, but inwardly, I’m pretty sure she’s delighted.

“If you say the word, we’re out of here. I can be between your legs before the car pulls out of the arena parking lot.”

“As exciting as that sounds, we’d better stick it out. You’re up for all the big ones.” She straightens my collar and fixes my tie. “I don’t want to go home and tell Petra that you lost because you couldn’t sit in your seat for three hours.”

I drop my forehead to hers. “This is heavy ammunition.”

“I know, but I only save it for the big events.” She slides her hand down my arm to catch my fingers. “Let’s go to our seats and let me practice clapping. I bet I’ll have to use that skill a lot later.”

She was right. I won all the big awards. Petra was thrilled when we got home. For me, though, the real winning happened later that night when Petra was in bed, the cheers had died off, and the only thing that I could hear was the moans of Irish as I thrust into her juicy sex. Awards are nice on the mantel, and fans are great for the concerts, but none of that gives me the same high as being in the arms of Clover. I got lucky that one night, and I’ve never let it go.