He wants to watch R’slind eat his seed, knowing she has no other choice.

He wants to watch me eat it, too, to weaken me in her eyes. I fling the bag aside and take R’slind by the arm. “Come. We are going to wash our hands and then we will not eat what he brought.”

“Oh god,” she chokes. “Please tell me he just peed on the bag.”

“He jerked his cock on our food,” I say grimly.

“That’s so much worse,” she moans, and when I press her cold fingers to the wet trickle that bubbles from the rocks, R’slind scrubs at her hand, making helpless, disgusted sounds as she rubs her skin raw. “That fucking psychopath.” Her breath turns into a ragged sob. “I kinda hate it here, R’jaal. Promise me it’s better with your people.”

“It is. I swear it.”

“Promise me you’ll help me get home, too.”

My chest aches even as I realize I must lie to her. R’slind does not need to worry about anything else while we are here. It will not hurt her to believe that she can go home, if only for a little while. “I swear it.”



With every hour that passes, I feel like I’m being jerked between the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. The constant attraction I feel towards R’jaal and thinking about the way we were grinding on each other? Very much a high in my otherwise mostly celibate life.

But the lows keep coming. We’re trapped in this cave. We’re trapped by strangers we can’t speak to, and it’s clear they don’t like us. Our guard spunked on our food to be a jerk. It’s wickedly, horribly cold, even with R’jaal’s fur wrapped around me as best I can.

I’ve been kidnapped by aliens and dumped on this strange planet. I don’t know where I am, how I got here, or how to get home if that’s all truly the case. My memory seems spotty at best, which is more terrifying than anything. What’s caused me to forget my own name or where I live? Why can’t I recall the basics? I try to mentally quiz myself on my date of birth, my favorite color, things I’m allergic to, and I can’t find anything. But I somehow know that I overuse the word “resplendent” in my fanfic and that I blush every time someone checks out a Kama Sutra book at the library.

I know I’m not a virgin, but I can’t recall specifics of the boyfriends I’ve had in the past. All I have are mental glimpses—flashes of memories that are as tantalizing as they are unsatisfying.

It all tells me that something is very, very wrong, and as the realization grows, so does my anxiety.

It doesn’t help that our jizz-loving jailer returns and crouches just out of reach of the bars, watching me and ignoring R’jaal. He doesn’t bring food this time, and part of me wonders if he’s returning just to remind us of his presence. That he’s lurking in the shadows at all times, watching us.

It’s enough to set my nerves on edge.

I push my tangled hair back from my face and hug R’jaal’s fur tighter against my shoulders. “How long do you think we’ve been down here?”

R’jaal looks over at me. He’s been pacing at the edge of the cave, near the bars. I don’t know if it’s because he’s trying to scare off our jailer or if he’s feeling antsy at being trapped. He crouches next to me, which only makes things more awkward because his junk—always half hard or fully hard—is pointing right at me. “I cannot speak for how long you have been down here, but I think it is perhaps a day and a half since I arrived.”

A day and a half? That’s it? “It feels like a lifetime.”

R’jaal looks uneasy. “Does my presence disturb you, then?”

“What? No.” I reach out and grab his hand. “You’re the only good thing about this.” Right now R’jaal and the way he makes me feel is the only thing that’s stopping me from complete hysteria. He’s a distraction, and a welcome one.

There’s a faint rustle out in the shadows and we both look up to see the scarred one walking away, disappearing into the darkness just outside of our cave. I flinch, because I didn’t even realize he was there. Either he’s camouflaging or staying just out of the light far enough that we can’t see him. He gives me the creeps.

“I hate that guy,” I whisper to R’jaal.

“I think he wants you for himself,” R’jaal tells me. His tail thumps on the floor like an angry cat. “I do not like it.”

“What do we do?” Fear swells inside me, and I’m one step closer to absolutely losing it. I cling to R’jaal’s hand, my fingers digging into his skin. “R’jaal, how do we make him leave me alone?”