Gren pauses in his butchering, gazing up at me. “You wished to speak? Speak.”

I crouch next to the meat, standing across from him, and try to think of the best way to approach this. “I…my mate…she is one of the newcomers.”

He grunts.

“She was made in a flying cave. Like you.”

“In a ship,” Gren corrects. “Or a lab. But yes. In a way, she was created like me.” He lifts one leg of the creature and continues to carefully slice the hide away.

“My R’slind is very distressed over this,” I admit. “And I worry I am failing her. We have been mating for two hands of days and we yet resonate. Is there something perhaps that I am unaware of? Something I should do?”

“And you are asking me?” He pauses, frowning. “I touched no female before my Willa. I know nothing of what they need in the furs…nor do I care to guess.”

“But you required assistance from the healer with your resonance, yes?” I eye Shade, who continues to chew on a string of raw meat, watching me. “Was there a way you could tell that you needed help? Could you tell there was something wrong?”

“There was nothing wrong with Willa. Or my son. The fault lay with me.” He pauses and then rips another rib out of the carcass, holding it out to Shade. The boy laughs with delight and holds one in each fist, making Gren smile. “Go and show your mother. Tell her I am speaking with R’jaal and will be in soon.”

With a happy grin, Shade gets to his feet and trots over to his father, lifting his messy face for a kiss. Gren leans in and affectionately gives his son a kiss on the nose and then sends him on his way. He watches him retreat, a look of pride on his strange face, and I am filled with envy that he and his son share such a bond. A son to hunt with. To give snacks to. To give affection to. I picture one with R’slind’s fine yellow mane and her sharp observance, and think I would like that very much.

Gren turns to me again. “When I was a gladiator, there were many things done to me. I was given daily shots of medicines to amplify my performance. Medicines to make my cock deaden so I would be controllable. Medicines to bring certain things to the forefront. I suspect those medicines have much more to do with why I needed the healer than the fact that I am a splice. Or it could be both. But your mate, your Rosalind, does not have the same situation. She is all human. If the healer sees no problem with her health, I imagine you do not have to resort to the same situation we did.”

Most of his words make no sense to me—performance medicines and shots and splices—but I fix on the positive part. That R’slind will not require aid from outside. The relief is overwhelming. “I just worry that I am failing her somehow. That I am not meeting her needs.”

“Do you love her? Take care of her? Make her happy?” Gren fixes his strange gaze on me. “That is all she needs. And for anything else…” He shrugs. “There is always the healer. But I must warn you, she has to watch and touch.”

I picture A’tar’s mate, V’ronca, watching me claim R’slind. I picture her touching my cock with her hand and my sac feels as if it is retreating inside my body. “I do not want anyone’s hand on my cock but R’slind.”

Gren barks out a harsh laugh. “Not on you. On your mate.”

I exhale in relief. “Good, because I do not think I could stay hard otherwise.” When the other male snorts with amusement, I eye him. “But you managed?”

He nods. “It was what it took to answer resonance, and I would do anything for Willa. Anything at all.” His gaze focuses on his hut, as if he can see through its walls to his mate inside. “And I will do it again. And again, if needed. Because while having the healer there is awkward, the results are…excellent. And I would not trade Shade for anything in the universe.”

The pride in his voice is evident.

If it takes the healer being in the furs with us, I will endure it. I suppose it is no different than me enjoying R’slind’s cunt with my tongue while Kin’far watched me taste her. R’slind was fine with it. Her sweet cries were just as intense then as they are when we are alone.

If we must use the healer, as long as it gets results, I do not care.

All that matters is R’slind and her happiness. Gren is right. My mate and our future kit mean everything. “My thanks. You have given me much to think about.”