Reaching out, I brush my fingers over her cheek. “Something is bothering you.”

Her mouth twists and she sighs, then glances up at me, her fingers playing with the soft fur in her lap. “Tia’s really got things handled over there, doesn’t she?”

I glance over at the group by the fire. T’ia is talking quietly to Rem’eb, who glares at everything but her. The brothers and Noj’me are passing a cup of tea around, warming their hands upon it and gazing out at the snowy entrance with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. I turn back to my mate, who is keeping separate from them. “What does T’ia have to do with anything?”

She shrugs, gazing down at the furs. “It just occurred to me that she’s really pretty and she’s got her shit together, that’s all.” She traces a finger down the fur in her lap. “And you were supposed to be with her.”

Is…R’slind jealous?

My heart warms. To think that R’slind is so enamored of me that she worries my head will be turned by another. Humans do not seem to grasp resonance the same way those of us born with a khui do. They do not seem to understand that the khui is everything. That it decides, and when that decision is made, it is as if a piece of your spirit has unlocked. “I was never supposed to be with T’ia. All this time, I have been waiting for you.”

“I don’t know why.” There’s a helpless expression on her face. “All I’ve done is be a burden to you. You’ve had to carry me everywhere and take care of me when I was sick. I’ve been absolutely useless, so I’m not sure what you think is so special about me.” She gestures over at the fire. “Meanwhile you’ve got this gorgeous slim model who can make fire and doesn’t whine that it’s cold. She seems the obvious choice to me.”

“You doubt yourself.” I take her hand in mine. “T’ia was very lost and confused when she first arrived here. No one expected her to know what to do. It is the same with you, my R’slind. You do not build fires in your world or hunt for pelts. Why would I expect you to know how to do these things?”

She sighs, twining her fingers with mine. “I guess I’m just panicking. I saw her and how pretty she was and like, it doesn’t make sense that I get the guy and she doesn’t.”

My heart swells with joy again.

R’slind gives me a wry look. “What’s sad is that I should be thinking about how to get home or what to do about the whole ‘kidnapped by aliens’ situation and all I can think about is whether or not you want to kiss me or Tia.”

“You,” I say quickly. “Only you. When I say I have been waiting all this time for you, I truly mean it, my sweet resonance. Just knowing you are finally here has brought me so much joy.”

R’slind gives me a thoughtful look, then leans forward. I move to meet her, brushing my lips against hers. Just that small touch reminds me of how badly I ache for her, and my khui sings louder than ever. I groan, pulling her into my arms so we can continue to kiss. Her mouth fits perfectly to mine, her tongue a delicious tease. Her hands curl in my mane and she pants against me as my tail strokes over her thigh.

Somewhere nearby, T’ia clears her throat again.

“They have been like this for days,” Set’nef mutters. “Pay them no mind.”

I kiss R’slind again, wishing that we were alone and I could push her lovely thighs apart and settle myself between them. More than anything, I want to claim her, but it should not be in a hunter cave with so many others nearby. She deserves a nest full of soft furs to lie upon, and a warm fire at her feet.

She deserves to be home with me, in my hut, before we fulfill resonance. We have waited this long—we can wait a bit longer. I stroke her cheek. “Soon, my resonance.”



We’re apparently staying at the cave all night, despite its nearness to the so-called fruit cave. Noj’me and Set’nef are skeptical that anyone would come after us, but our group decides to remain alert after all. The brothers and Noj’me take turns on watch, along with R’jaal. They pair up and someone will watch the front entrance at all times, and someone will watch the back walls, in case there’s a hidden tunnel we’re unaware of. Tia cooks, softening up dried meat and roots into a stew, and it’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. She feeds bits to Rem’eb, who remains silent. He’s not fighting against the ropes that hold him any longer, but I still don’t trust him.