I sigh and press my face against his chest. He smells like sweat, but in a good way. The purring he’s making is endless, and I wonder again if it bothers him. “Are you uncomfortable?” I whisper, and touch his chest, just above his purring heart. “Does this pain you?”

“No. It is a good feeling. The best feeling. Do not worry over me, R’slind.”

His words are warm and soft, just like his skin, and I feel enveloped in his protective embrace. Touching R’jaal is always such a pleasure. Being around him is letting me live out some of my horny fangirl fantasies, and I should be concentrating on what I’m going to do when I get out of here, or how I get home. Instead, I’m wondering if R’jaal would mind if I touched him. “Can I ask you something personal?”

“You know you can ask me anything.”

I lick my lips, my fingers trailing over his vibrating chest. “This is going to sound corny, but…do you think there’s something in the water here? Something that makes us act like we’re not ourselves?”

“You are not acting like yourself? In what way?”

He’s not getting it. I’m going to have to be more blatant. “I just…I’ve noticed this a lot lately.”

And I trace a finger down the side of his cock.

R’jaal’s reaction is immediate. He stiffens, clasping me in his arms tightly. He doesn’t push me away, though.

I should care that Set’nef and his brother are nearby…I just don’t. And that’s part of the problem. “See,” I whisper, feeling like a temptress. “You’re horny, and I’m constantly horny, and I’m wondering if they drugged us to be super turned on at all times.”

“Nothing is in the food,” he murmurs, bending his head close to mine. “I do not feel strange. I feel…incredible.”

“Okay. Cool. Me too.” I move my finger lightly along his cock, exploring him. “Should I stop touching you?”


“Do you care that the others are nearby?”

His color instantly shifts, camouflaging to match the shadows. Neat trick. But it does a good job of hiding me against him, which means no one’s going to see if I toy with his dick a little. “They will not disturb us,” R’jaal says, and there’s such delicious tension in his voice. “Touch me as you like.”

Don’t mind if I do. I don’t know that he’s right about the whole food thing—or maybe he is. Maybe this planet is full of all kinds of wacky pheromones that make humans turned on when they encounter the locals.

A sex planet would totally be a Star Trek thing.

If that’s the case, I should just embrace the situation. Give in to my baser instincts. After all, no one’s going to slut-shame me because no one knows where I am. The thought would make me a little hysterical…except I can’t remember who would be looking for me, because I can’t even remember my last name.

I push those thoughts out and concentrate my focus on R’jaal. R’jaal, who’s gazing at me with heated, glowing eyes. R’jaal, who is so close I could taste his skin if I licked him. R’jaal, who makes me want to be playful and sexy and have fun despite this awful, strange situation.

“Can I keep touching you?” I whisper to him. “I should have asked permission to touch in the first place.”

“I do not mind.” He’s hoarse with need.

“I didn’t think you would, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.” I stroke my finger over his length, and then circle the head of him. That enticing droplet of pre-cum is practically calling my name, and I dip my finger into it, then smooth the wetness over the head of his cock. “You’re always hard around me. Is that a thing of your people? Human men only get hard when they’re aroused, but you can’t be aroused all the time, can you?”

“When I am around you, yes.”

He says it so simply, so matter-of-factly, that I feel like an absolute goddess. To think that a man finds me that sexy? Even when I’ve been living in a cave for days? It’s amazing.

So I decide to push things even further. “Can I make you come?”

R’jaal’s eyes close. He presses his forehead to mine and doesn’t speak, but he takes my hand in his and clasps my fingers around his shaft.

That’s a “yes” if I’ve ever heard one.

“We have to stay quiet,” I remind him, pitching my voice low even as I stroke his length like the temptress I am. I tighten my hand around his shaft, fascinated at the feel of the ridges that striate his length, and how big and thick he is, how warm. Even here, his skin texture is velvety soft, that strange, enticing suede that just begs to be petted. Normally he’s a deeper blue here, but thanks to his chameleon-like color shifting, I’m gripping a cock that resembles the shadows. It’s too dark to find his spur, but I’m not sure I’d know what to do with it anyhow.